Troubles continue for the government's dream project Unique Identification Authority of India (UIDAI). Already battling a staff crunch, its request for Rs 7,000 crore to roll out 60 crore UID numbers in the first phase has been shot down by the Empowered Finance Committee (EFC). "The EFC is understood to have refused to entertain the request of the UIDAI for Rs 7,000 crore to execute the first phase of the ambitious...
PM's security killed our child: Kanpur couple
A Kanpur couple has alleged their 10-year-old son died because roadblocks set up for the Prime Minister’s visit to the city prevented the family from taking the child to hospital in time. Aman Khan, a Class 2 student, suffered head injuries on July 3 after the Iron gate at his home in Shyam Nagar fell on him. His parents tried to take him to a hospital but were allegedly delayed because...
More »Why you must read this censored chapter by Raman Kirpal
A RESEARCHER WORKING on the State of Panchayats Report (SOPR) 2008-09 met Mahangu Madiya in Chhattisgarh’s Bastar district, a dangerous place for gathering data. Madiya’s story was startling. In January, he was given Rs 55 lakh compensation for his land, but the amount is sitting in his bank account. He does not even own a mobile phone. “I am concerned with farming. My land is important to me. What will I...
More »Delhi most unsafe for women, finds UN survey by Shambhavi Rai
If you are a woman living in the Capital and you are perpetually scared of being sexually harassed, you're not alone. About 85 per cent of Delhi's women feel the same way, this according to a survey conducted by the Delhi government along with the United Nations and Jagori, an NGO. The survey was conducted on more than 5000 women in the Capital. According to the study three out of five...
More »Children in e-waste jobs risk health by Elizabeth Roche
Young rag-pickers sifting through rubbish are a common image of India’s chronic poverty, but destitute children face new hazards picking apart old computers as part of the growing “e-waste” industry. Asif, aged seven, spends his days dismantling electronic equipment in a tiny, dimly-lit unit in east Delhi along with six other boys. “My work is to pick out these small black boxes,” he said, fingers deftly prising out integrated circuits from the...
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