-The Hindu "It deserves to be thrown into the dustbin" The Supreme Court on Thursday rejected the magisterial probe report on the Tarn Taran incident, in which a girl and her father were beaten up by the Punjab police, as it justified the Attack on the duo. A Bench of Justices G.S. Singhvi and Kurian Joseph told Additional Solicitor-General Siddharth Luthra, appearing for the Punjab government, "the report does not have the value...
Delhi HC asks law officer to respond on plea to bring AG under RTI Act
-The Times of India The Delhi High Court on Thursday issued notice to the Attorney General on a plea that the office of the law officer be declared a "public authority" under the RTI Act as the appointment is according to the Constitution. Justice G S Sistani gave six weeks to the AG to reply while hearing an appeal filed by Delhi-based RTI activist Subhash Chandra Aggarwal against a decision of the...
More »Reforms that never come
-The Hindu "Animal behaviour," was the unusual language the Supreme Court deployed recently. The context for the cryptic remarks was the gruesome lathi-charge on protesting teachers, predominantly women, engaged on contract by the Bihar government, and the Attacks on a woman who sought police intervention in a case of assault. The police carry a long and ignominious record of resort to indiscriminate force to quell peaceful protesters, which peaked in the...
More »President gives his assent to anti-rape bill
-The Times of India President Pranab Mukherjee has given his assent to the tougher anti-rape bill, bringing into force the new legislation which provides for stringent punishment for rapists and repeat offenders and makes provisions of strict punishment for offences like stalking, voyeurism, disrobing and acid Attacks. Presidential assent to the Criminal Law (Amendment) Bill, 2013, came on Tuesday - just two days before the February 3 Ordinance on the issue was...
More »Mumbai businessman wins battle with police over 'indecent' kiss
-AFP A man arrested for indecency after he kissed a female friend on the cheek says he has finally been acquitted after a battle lasting more than a year against Mumbai police. Kuber Sarup, 26, was hauled to a city police station in February last year after an officer witnessed the alleged obscenity - a goodbye hug and a "peck on the cheek" - in the fashionable Bandra suburb. "He gave me a...
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