Amid rising food prices hitting the household budget, Finance Minister Pranab Mukherjee on Thursday said he has no "instant solution" to the problem. "Unlike instant coffee, there is no instant solution to such vexed problem as inflation," he told reporters when asked about the steps being taken by the government to check food inflation which almost touched 20 per cent during the third week of December. Discounting the possibility of...
Future bright for Indian economy, says Rangarajan
Fiscal slowdown has not affected India much Forecasting a brighter future for the country’s economy by 2009-10 end, C. Rangarajan, Chairman, Economic Advisory Council to Prime Minister, said that if a consistent growth of four per cent in agriculture and nine per cent in the industrial and services sectors were maintained over the next two decades, it would propel India into the comity of developed nations. In a talk on...
More »The imminent food crisis by AV Rajwade
The current food inflation is a result of food output growth not keeping pace with population growth Few recall that, just last month, there was a food security summit in Rome. In sharp contrast to the almost overwhelming coverage of the Copenhagen climate summit, it attracted far lesser attention from the heads of governments, as also from the media. This is somewhat strange as a food (and water) crisis can hit...
More »Changed Forever by Disaster by Akash Kapur
THANTIRAYANKUPPAM, INDIA — Five years ago, I woke up on a Sunday morning, checked the news online and saw that a tsunami had hit my part of the world. Early reports were sketchy. I read about just a few casualties (in Sri Lanka, as I recall), and I remember thinking that the whole thing sounded exciting. I went down to the beach, about a 15-minute drive from my house. I walked...
More »Aam admi finds dal-roti out of reach in UPA’s second innings by Gargi Parsai
More than the return of the United Progressive Alliance (UPA) government to power, the aam admi will remember the year 2009 for the back-breaking mehngai and the inability of the government to make dal-roti, sabzi and chini affordable for the masses. The unprecedented rise in the price of essential commodities, particularly pulses, sugar, milk and vegetables turned the year bitter for the aam admi. What was irksome for the people was...
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