-The Indian Express As new Environment Minister Veerappa Moily took charge at Paryavaran Bhavan, nearly 350 files were found to have been held back by predecessor Jayanthi Natarajan and her office. Documents accessed by The Indian Express show that as many as 180 of these files, returned from her residence on December 22, 23 and 24, were unsigned. But 119 were signed files which were still held back by the minister for...
India will officially be declared polio-free on Monday -Subhendu Maiti
-The Hindustan Times Panchla, Howrah: A limp is all that sets Ruksha Shah, 5, apart from other girls of her age in her home in Subharara village in the Panchla block of the Howrah district of West Bengal. It's the only remnant of the polio infection that ravaged her in 2011, which left her right leg a little shorter and weaker than the left. Ruksha's the last recorded case of polio -...
More »71 cancer care institutes sanctioned: Azad -PVV Murthi
-The Hindu 11 lakh New Cases and 5 lakh deaths reported every year in the country Vellore: The Union Cabinet has sanctioned the setting up of 71 stand-alone cancer care institutes throughout India at a cost of Rs.6,650 crores in order to tackle the problem posed by the increasing incidence of cancer and the increasing deaths due to cancer in the country, Union Minister for Health and Family Welfare Ghulam Nabi Azad...
More »CAG’s Taj e-way audit may indict 2 ex-CMs -Pradeep Thakur
-The Times of India NEW DELHI: The comptroller and auditor general (CAG) is finalizing a report on yet another instance of massive loss to the state exchequer because of favours shown to private parties by the political establishment. The CAG's audit report on the Taj Expressway project could also find place among India's biggest scams, with successive Uttar Pradesh governments being accused of causing loss of thousands of crores to the...
More »Have a phone? Go sting the corrupt, CM Arvind Kejriwal tells Delhi -Pragya Kaushika
-The Indian Express New Delhi: In a step unprecedented in governance, Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal, while announcing an anti-corruption helpline on Wednesday, said each citizen armed with a phone could "use audio or video to perform a sting" to entrap corrupt officials. "Today the people of Delhi will have to cooperate with us to abolish corruption. Each citizen of Delhi will be an anti-corruption inspector. Your phone will be your...
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