-The Hindu With a single stroke, the government has made over 3.5 crore existing post office accounts ready for its new Aadhaar-linked cash transfer scheme. The accounts, which belong to MGNREGA workers over the country, were originally to be used only for receiving wages under the rural employment guarantee scheme. However, the government has now woken up to the potential of using the ready-made network of accounts to directly transfer benefits such...
Government plans to introduce direct cash transfer for food subsidy in 6 UTs and ‘willing states’-Urmi A Goswami
-The Economic Times The government plans to introduce direct cash transfer for food subsidy in six Union Territories and 'willing states' for PDS scheme, taking a key step to plug leakages in welfare schemes. In the pilot project, expected to be rolled out from April, beneficiaries will receive the subsidy amount in their Bank Accounts, and will buy rice and wheat from the fair price shops. The fair price shops will sell...
More »Govt to test cash transfer waters for food-Basant Kumar Mohanty
-The Telegraph The Centre is poised to launch a pilot project to study the delivery of food subsidy through direct cash transfer, a proposed system that civil society groups feel will end up inconveniencing the poor beneficiaries. The food and consumer affairs ministry will start the pilot scheme in the six Union territories next month, a top government source told The Telegraph. Now, households buy food grains at subsidised rates (called the “central...
More »CAG finds flaws in implementation of debt waiver scheme
-PTI The government auditor CAG has found irregularities in disbursement of funds under the Rs 52,000-crore farm debt waiver scheme, 2008, as benefits have been taken by some ineligible farmers. Taking note of the the Comptroller and Auditor General (CAG) Performance Audit of the Agricultural Debt Waiver and Debt Relief Scheme (ADWDRS) 2008, RBI has asked the banks to recover money from ineligible beneficiaries. It has also advised the banks to lodge FIRs...
More »Is UID-linked cash transfer a good idea?-Sreelatha Menon
-The Business Standard Reetika Khera Professor, Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi* “Aadhaar is being made de facto compulsory for welfare schemes. With two-thirds without Aadhaar, they are bound to be denied entitlements” There are three components of the government’s direct benefit transfer scheme — computerisation, extending banking services and linking the benefits with Aadhaar. The real game-changers are the first two, whereas Aadhaar-enabled transfers carry the risk of excluding current beneficiaries. The Central government has...
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