The return of peace and normalcy in Kashmir is a reality. And to ensure a durable and lasting peace, a humane approach to handle the law and order situation may be required. In a vibrant, democratic country, authoritarian ways of suppressing people’s voices prove to be counterproductive. It may be recalled that the law and order situation in Kashmir worsened in the aftermath of unfair and rigged assembly elections of 1987,...
Expert glare falls on disease by Sumi Sukanya
A high-level team of doctors and scientists today visited the paediatrics ward of Anugrah Narayan Medical College and Hospital (ANMCH) in Gaya and scanned the case records of children suspected to be suffering from Japanese and acute encephalitis. Its members also inspected the treatment methods on the concluding day of their three-day investigation. The team of members from Delhi, Pune and Patna was in Gaya to carry out on-the-spot study of...
More »Scourge sting puts govt on toes by Sumi Sukanya
The state government has finally swung into action to fight the outbreak of encepha-litis, but not before the death of 85 children. Health department principal secretary Amarjeet Sinha today said plans were afoot to set up paediatric Intensive Care Units (ICUs) at Anugrah Narayan Magadh Medical College and Hospital (ANNMCH), Gaya and Sri Krishna Medical College and Hospital (SKMCH), Muzaffarpur in the wake of the huge number of suspected Japanese encephalitis...
More »Aruna Roy, founder member of NCPRI and MKSS interviewed by Pamela Philipose
- Women's Feature Service These are busy days for Aruna Roy, founder member of the National Campaign for the People’s Right to Information (NCPRI) and the Mazdoor Kisan Shakti Sangathan (MKSS), with the Jan Lok Pal and the need to check corruption emerging as big concerns in India. The woman, who traded a promising career in the bureaucracy for an activist’s existence in 1975, is presently intensely involved in the issue. Pamela...
More »Investing in health
-The Hindu The High Level Expert Group of the Planning Commission on Universal Health Coverage for India has laid out a clear road map: it is to provide access to affordable, accountable, and appropriate health services for all citizens in a meaningful time frame. Free India adopted the goal of preventive and curative care for all, as recommended by the Bhore Committee in 1946. But it faltered and failed to raise...
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