-The Hindu Rajput women in Bikaner have found empowerment through home-based call centres dispensing tips on organic farming As a young girl, Vijay Laxmi was never allowed to visit her family farm in Bikaner. Rajput women, she was told, stay in purdah, their world restricted to their home and hearth. Even when Laxmi got married to Mahendra Singh of Jhajhar village in the neighbouring Jhunjhunu district, her life did not change much...
A shootout and many smoking guns-Rahul Tripathi & Ujjwala Nayudu
-The Indian Express With the CBI making its first arrests in the Ishrat Jahan case, Ujjwala Nayudu and Rahul Tripathi look at past investigations, all of which have punctured holes in the Gujarat Police’s encounter theory When were Ishrat Jahan and three others killed? Was it in a police encounter on June 15, 2004, as the Gujarat Police’s records show, or a day earlier, on the evening of June 14, as subsequent...
More »Developing countries experiencing unprecedented growth, says UN report
-The United Nations The rapid growth of developing countries is propelling millions out of poverty on an unprecedented scale and radically reshaping the global system, according to a flagship United Nations report launched today. “The rise of the South is unprecedented in its speed and scale,” says the Human Development Report 2013, which uses the term “South” to mean developing countries and “North” to mean developed nations. “Never in history have the...
More »Ajay Chhibber, Regional Director of the UNDP interviewed by Arlene Chang
-First Post In an interview with Firstpost, Ajay Chhibber, Regional Director of the UNDP, tells us why India ranks low on the Human Development Index, below China, Sri Lanka and Iran, what we need to do to improve our standing and why welfare schemes are not to be blamed for poor growth or inflation. Excerpts from the interview: * Why does India lag other BRIC countries in the HDI ratings? Compared to the other...
More »UN report belies India's claims of inclusive growth-Devjyot Ghoshal
-The Business Standard This has meant the GNI per capita has more than doubled from $1,229 in 1990 In recent years, India's growth has undoubtedly been spectacular. Income growth a year has averaged about five per cent from 1990 through 2012. This has meant the gross national income (GNI) per capita (purchasing power parity, in dollar terms) has more than doubled from $1,229 in 1990. However, even if one discounts the drop in...
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