The Assam Government on Thursday ordered an additional Chief Secretary-level probe into Wednesday's incidents in the city, where anti-eviction protesters went on the rampage and the police opened fire, resulting in the death of three persons. The government directed the administration to gather video footage of the incidents and initiate legal action against protesters who came armed with lathis and stones and indulged in violence, causing damage to public and private...
Let Parliament decide
-The Business Standard Hazare's job is done, time now for people's representatives The term “civil society” has been used and abused at will these past few months in India. In a clever coup staged with the active involvement of a section of the media, a clutch of social activists and retired civil servants was allowed to project itself as “a representative of civil society”. A confused government, a directionless ruling alliance...
More »Finance min asked to probe assets of former CJI
-The Times of India The home ministry has asked the finance ministry to conduct a probe into the assets of former Chief Justice of India, K G Balakrishnan, in what could possibly lead to action against him for allegedly possessing wealth disproportionate to his income. Sources said the ministry has written to the revenue secretary, asking him to institute an inquiry through the Central Board of Direct Taxes. "The inquiry would be...
More »Food Act won't add to subsidy cost
-The Times of India The proposed Food Security Act may not put additional burden on the government in the current fiscal year as the government can find the resources to fund the plan from the spending outlined for 2011-12 , finance ministry officials said. However, the food subsidy bill could soar to as much as Rs 75,000 crore from the estimated Rs 60,572.98 crore for the 2011-12 fiscal. Finance ministry...
More »Break the deadlock
-The Times of India Sometimes, nonsense verse captures it. The film character Anthony Gonsalves, inspired by George Bernard Shaw, sang, "The whole country of the system is juxtapositioned by the haemoglobin in the atmosphere - because you are a sophisticated rhetorician, intoxicated by the exuberance of your own verbosity." Few words apply better to the current Lokpal Bill stand-off. For this to break, the rhetoric must stop with ground being...
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