-BBC Police in India's Maharashtra state have arrested five members of an upper caste for beating, stripping and parading naked a low-caste Dalit Woman. The victim was attacked because her son had eloped with an upper-caste girl about a month ago. She has alleged that police initially refused to file a case saying such incidents were not uncommon. The incident took place in Mulgaon village on Monday afternoon but reports of the atrocity have...
Bhanwari killed, her children die a thousand deaths of stigma
-The Indian Express The wife murdered, the husband arrested for abetting the crime, their seven-year-old daughter mired in a paternity dispute. The eldest child, aged 18, has stopped going to college out of fear and ignominy. The other daughter, 15, has been thrown out of school. This is the family of Bhanwari Devi. Or what is left of it. Bhanwari, the auxiliary nurse midwife who allegedly possessed a video of herself with...
More »Free Speech in 2011: A Hoot Report
-The Hoot The brutally fatal silencing of three journalists along with the sharp rise in censorship of content in online media and the increasing cases of defamation marked the deterioration of the climate for free speech across India in 2011. Attacks on journalists continued to be high, with 24 recorded instances even as writers, journalists and lawyers bore the brunt of the intolerance of vigilante groups to dissenting opinion. The Free Speech...
More »Dalit Woman sarpanch emerges as poster girl for gender issues
-The Hindu Has addressed issues of sex selection, infant-maternal mortality, child health A Dalit Woman sarpanch elected to an unreserved seat in Bikaner district of Rajasthan has successfully brought gender issues to the mainstream development discourse with the help of a Jaipur-based advocacy group. She has addressed the crucial subjects of sex selection, infant and maternal mortality and reproductive and child health by focusing on gender fostering. Tara Devi, elected as Sarpanch of...
More »The private sector's turn to deliver by Sukhadeo Thorat
The government's decision to set aside a 20 per cent quota for SC/ST vendors in its purchases, if accepted by every sector on a wider scale, has the potential to makegrowth pro-poor and inclusive. The Central government has finally announced a policy reserving 20 per cent of its purchases for micro and small enterprises run by entrepreneurs belonging to the Scheduled Castes and the Scheduled Tribes. The new procurement policy will...
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