The former Samajwadi Party leader, Amar Singh on Monday challenged the father-son duo Shanti Bhushan and Prashant Bhushan to prove that the controversial CD allegedly containing a conversation between Mr. Shanti Bhushan and him (Amar Singh) and SP chief Mulayam Singh on a legal deal was fake and asked the Bhushans to step down from the joint drafting panel on the Lokpal Bill. Addressing a news conference here, Mr. Amar Singh...
CD sent for forensic test by Devesh K Pandey
The Delhi police have obtained a compact disc purportedly containing a fabricated telephone conversation between the former Law Minister and co-chairman of the joint committee to draft the Lokpal Bill, Shanti Bhushan, and Samajwadi Party chief Mulayam Singh and the former SP general secretary, Amar Singh. It has been sent for forensic examination. The police, who had planned to approach The Indian Express to get the CD, got a copy...
More »CD forgery will boomerang on perpetrators: Nitish by Shoumojit Banerjee
Bihar Chief Minister Nitish Kumar has come out in support of the former Law Minister and co-chairman of the Lokpal Bill drafting committee, Shanti Bhushan, and his advocate-son Prashant Bhushan, saying their integrity is “absolutely beyond doubt.” On Monday, Mr. Kumar said the case of the surreptitious compact disc, which allegedly contains a conversation between Mr. Shanti Bhushan, the former Samajwadi Party general secretary, Amar Singh, and the former Uttar Pradesh...
More »Media support crusade against corruption
There can be little question that the news media, print as well as television, have contributed significantly to bringing the issue of corruption to political India's centre stage. The focus on the corruption of elections through ‘cash for votes' comes in tandem with the proactive intervention by the Election Commission of India during the April-May elections to State Assemblies. There can also be little doubt that the U.S. Embassy Cables,...
More »Rs. 50 lakh spent on Hazare's fast: Digvijay
Congress general secretary Digvijay Singh has questioned the “huge” funding for social activist Anna Hazare's hunger strike in New Delhi to demand a Lokpal Bill, and asked whether politicians were uncivilised and could not be members of civil society. Speaking at the Press Club here on Saturday, he claimed that Rs.50 lakh was spent on Mr. Hazare's four-day agitation at Jantar Mantar. “When we demanded that it should be brought out...
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