The Central Vigilance Commission has received complaints that put the cumulative value of alleged corruption in projects related to the Commonwealth Games between Rs 5,000 crore and Rs 8,000 crore. Sources said the complaints included payment to non-existent parties, wilful delay in execution of contracts, inflated prices and bungling in purchase of equipment through tendering. “The total misappropriation amount may touch a figure of Rs 5,000-8,000 crore. The commission is still awaiting reports...
What the UID conceals by R Ramakumar
The UID project has both ‘security' and ‘developmental' dimensions. The former leads to an invasive state; the latter leaves us with a retreating state. Is identity the “missing link” in India's efforts to rise as an “inclusive” economic superpower? Can an identity-linked and technology-based solution change the face of governance in India? Given the euphoria around the Unique Identification (UID) project, one is tempted to believe so. However, a careful look...
More »Seven farmers end life on Dussehra eve
Even as the nation celebrated Dussehra, families of distressed farmers of Vidarbha were mourning. Seven debt-ridden farmers, primarily cotton-growers, ended lives on the eve of Dussehra. The toll has risen to 30 in October and 622 farmers have killed themselves since January this year. The deceased include Waman Awari, Vijay Dandage, Dhyaneshwar Choudhari (all from Yavatmal district), Prabhakar Wakte (Akola), Ladhu Madavi (Chandrapur), Bhiagirath Pathorkar (Amravati) and Raju Lahorkar (Washim district). According...
More »Raid whiff as Games files go missing by Archis Mohan and Sanjay K Jha
The Commonwealth Games corruption probe could lead to raids on the homes and offices of some of the organisers to find missing documents, sources said. Agencies investigating wrongdoing in the Games preparations have complained that key files and documents are untraceable or unavailable at the offices of the government departments that carried out the work. Enforcement Directorate sources said they might raid some of the key people behind the organisation of the...
More »Godown space crunch may hit procurement of paddy
Shortage of godowns for storing the kharif paddy is turning out to be a major issue, as millers expressed their inability to procure the commodity in the absence of adequate storage space. Chief Minister K. Rosaiah has convened an all-party meeting on Monday to elicit their views on procurement-related issues and brief them about the Government's preparedness to meet the farmers' rabi requirements. PM to be briefed A delegation of Congress leaders is...
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