-Outlook Mumbai: The Maharashtra government today suspended two police officers, including a Superintendent of Police, following the row over the arrest of two girls from Palghar in neighbouring Thane district for a Facebook post on the shutdown in Mumbai for Bal Thackeray's funeral. SP (Thane rural) Ravindra Sengaonkar and senior police inspector Shrikant Pingle have been suspended in the case, state's Home Minister R R Patil told reporters. He said action has been...
Now, once-a-week diabetes drug in the works -Kounteya Sinha
-The Times of India A once-a-week medicine for diabetics — a disease that affects nearly 63 million Indians — could soon become a reality. Studies on diabetes have seen a global upsurge, with the latest data showing that bio-pharmaceutical research companies across the globe are busy developing 221 innovative new medicines. The drugs, which will help around 347 million patients include new therapies that target key abnormalities of pancreatic cells, increase insulin secretion...
More »Massive spurt in dengue cases in 2012 -Kounteya Sinha
-The Times of India While cases of malaria and chikungunya show a dip across India, dengue cases have started to climb steadily. Official records of the Union health ministry reveal that there has been a massive increase of dengue infection in the country this year. India had recorded 15,535 cases and 96 deaths in 2009, but the corresponding figure till November, 2012, stood at over 35,000 cases and 216 fatalities. Tamil Nadu has recorded...
More »Plastic bags ban with stiff penalty from today
-PTI A blanket ban on manufacture, sale, storage and use of plastic bags with stiff penalty against violators including imprisonment up to five years will come into effect in New Delhi on Friday. The government has now imposed the ban as per provision of the Environment (Protection) Act, 1986, under which violators could face imprisonment up to five years and fine of up to Rs. 1 lakh or both. "The ban on plastic...
More »Meghalaya: Labourer Stoned to Death
-Outlook Shillong: A daily labourer hailing from Assam was allegedly stoned to death and another labourer seriously injured after he was beaten up near here, police said today. On November 20, three labourers (two from Assam) were abducted from their work place at Mawlai in the outskirt of the city by some people, who whisked them away in a taxi to an isolated spot at Umbir village near the scenic Umiam lake,...
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