-The Times of India Backed by chief minister Yogi Adityanath, the Uttar Pradesh police has launched a vigorous crackdown on criminals. Some criminals have been killed in encounters and many, out of fear of being gunned down, have surrendered. According to data sourced from police headquarters as many as 1,142 encounters were recorded between March 2017 and January this year, and 38 alleged criminals were killed. Encounter specialists in the police are...
Righting wrongs in land acquisition -Jairam Ramesh & Muhammad Khan
-The Hindu A Supreme Court Bench will decide whether the Law has to be interpreted expansively or in a narrow sense In July 2011, the United Progressive Alliance (UPA) government embarked on an ambitious project to rewrite the Law on land acquisition. How the government acquired land from private parties had long been the subject of heated dispute, often resulting in violent conflict. Several previous governments had made attempts to amend the Land...
More »Malli's tragedy: On death, loss and failed govt schemes in Kerala's only tribal block -Shaju Philip
-The Indian Express With a string of malnutrition deaths and now a case of lynching, Attappadi has for long lived in Kerala’s shadows. Shaju Philip on why, despite government schemes and projects, little has changed in the state’s only tribal block. C Valli slumps onto the floor of her unplastered house at Pazhayoor colony in Attappadi’s Chindakki village, clutching a plastic bag half filled with rice. “There’s not a grain at home....
More »When women stopped eating leftovers -Himanshi Dhawan
-The Times of India There is a saying in Harendragarh, a tribal village 50 km from Rajasthan’s Banswara town, that if a man eats the last rotla (chapatti) he will fall ill. So by default the last rotla, thinner than the rest and made from leftover dough along with the stale remains of the dal or vegetable made that day, would land on the plate of the woman of the house....
More »We mean business, mostly -Pradeep Narayanan & Dheeraj
-The Hindu Business Line Lack of financial transparency and social inclusion is at the root of India’s lopsided growth story, finds the India Responsible Business Index ‘Sab kuchh dikhta hai (everything is visible)’, the tag line of the now controversial Rotomac pens seems to assume a sinister meaning in light of the recent financial fraud involving owners Vikram and Rahul Kothari. The recently unearthed Nirav Modi scam, with no LoU [Letter of Understanding]...
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