-The Hindu 30 per cent of rural and 20 per cent of urban households said they practised untouchability Just five per cent of Indians said they had married a person from a different caste, says the first direct estimate of inter-caste marriages in India. The India Human Development Survey (IHDS), conducted by the National Council for Applied Economic Research (NCAER) and the University of Maryland, also reported that 30 per cent of rural...
President okays Rajasthan labour reforms: Firms with 300 workers need no govt nod to sack -Somesh Jha
-Business Standard State expects more investment as industry cheers move Paving the way for the first set of labour reforms in the country, President Pranab Mukherjee has given his assent to Rajasthan's amendments to three laws. Among major changes, the Industrial Disputes Act will allow companies employing up to 300 staffers to lay off workers or close down without taking the government's prior approval. Earlier, those with up to 100 employees...
More »Son preference continues in India -Smriti Kak Ramachandran
-The Hindu Two out of five men in many States across the country believe that women should neither be seen nor heard. One in three men didn't allow their wives to wear clothes of their choice and 75 per cent expected their partners to agree to have sex. These findings are part of a study ‘Masculinity, Intimate Partner Violence and Son Preference in India' carried out in Uttar Pradesh, Madhya Pradesh, Rajasthan,...
More »6 out of 10 men in India violent towards partner, says UN study
-PTI Washington: Six out of ten men in India have acted violently against their wives or partners at some point of time, with those facing economic distress more likely to perpetrate violence, says a new study highlighting prevalence of intimate partner abuse released on Monday. The study titled Masculinity, Intimate Partner Violence and Son Preference in India by the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) and Washington-based International Centre for Research on Women...
More »For Indian men, controlling women is masculine: study
-PTI A new study has explored how the average Indian male interprets the idea of 'masculinity' and how that shapes his interactions with women. The study, 'Masculinity, Intimate Partner Violence and Son Preference in India' by the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) and the International Centre for Research on Women (ICRW), shows a very high prevalence of violence against women in relationsips across many states in the country. Most of the 9,205 men...
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