Those who violate ban may be fined up to Rs 5 lakh or imprisoned up to six years After Madhya Pradesh, Kerala has now become the second state in India to ban all forms of chewing tobacco products. The state has banned the manufacture, storage, distribution and sale of gutkha and pan masala, containing tobacco and nicotine, of all brands available in the market. The ban is effective from May 25. Like Madhya...
Centre committed to protecting welfare of children, says Kharge
-The Hindu “Elimination of child labour is an article of faith to us” The Centre is committed to protecting the welfare of children, Union Minister for Labour and Employment Mallikarjun Kharge said here on Sunday. “Elimination of child labour is an article of faith and commitment to us,” he asserted. He was happy to point out that there had been a sharp decline in the Number of Children in the age group of...
More »Trapped after being forced to say 'I do'-Aruna Kashyap
Punitive measures against girls forced into child marriages should not find a place in government policies, programmes and practices Child brides are not criminals. They cannot be compared to children accused of committing crimes. Anyone who hears a story of a girl forced into marriage before she turned 18 will tell you that she had little choice in the matter. In fact, under Indian law, children convicted as juveniles cannot be...
More »The Aamir Khan Column: Health care for the poor, a dream worth dreaming-Aamir Khan
What is the point of having a great GDP if as a society we are unhealthy? I am a bit of a dreamer. I dream that one day we will be living in a country where things will be different, and where the rich and the poor will both get the same, good, quality health care. To many it may seem like a totally impractical, and an unachievable dream. But it's...
More »Children in labour distress, govt naps
-The Telegraph A survey has identified 1,132 children in the age-group of 6 to 14 from eight districts as victims of seasonal migration who ended up working under woeful conditions in brick kilns outside Jharkhand. The study, conducted by city-based NGO Association for Social and Human Awareness (ASHA) and Tomorrow’s Foundation, Calcutta, covered 50 villages in Gumla, Lohardaga, Latehar, Ranchi, Khunti, East Singhbhum, West Singhbhum and Seraikela-Kharsawan. A glaring fact that emerged was...
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