-TheWire.in Uttar Pradesh has seen 8,742 encounters ever since the BJP CM took over. New Delhi: Since Bharatiya Janata Party’s Adityanath came to power in March 2017, Uttar Pradesh Police has injured at least 3,302 alleged criminals in 8,742 ‘encounters’, leaving several of them with bullet wounds on their legs and bringing to unofficial use the term “operation langda” (lame), the Indian Express has reported. The number of deaths in this time frame...
Modinomics’ Legacy ― Labour Traffic Now Flows From Factories to Farms -MK Venu
-TheWire.in The ‘vikas’ train has begun to chug the wrong way, as it were. A worrisome aspect of the Indian economy is reflected in the share of employment in agriculture dramatically rising from 42.5% of the total employed in 2018-19 to 45.6% in 2019-20. This may signify an unusually large movement of labour from industry or services sectors to agriculture. The total number of persons employed in India varies between 400 million and...
More »Tribals pledge not to give up 'ancestral' land for coal mining -Animesh Bisoee
-The Telegraph Over 1,703 hectares of land of 84 revenue villages in Shikaripara and Kathitund blocks of Dumka district were allotted to the Eastern Coalfields Limited Jamshedpur: Over 200 tribals in Dumka district of Jharkhand have taken a pledge not to give up an inch of their “ancestral” land for coal mining. Over 1,703 hectares of land of 84 revenue villages in Shikaripara and Kathitund blocks of Dumka district were allotted to the...
More »Parliament is abdicating its oversight role -MR Madhavan
-The Hindu The monsoon session which has ended is another example of Parliament being quite ineffective in all its functions The monsoon session of Parliament which ended on Wednesday was a disappointment in several ways. This was the fourth straight session that ended ahead of the original schedule — other than the cancelled winter 2020 session. This meant that many important issues had not been discussed such as the COVID-19 response and...
More »India Can't Keep Citing the Pandemic to Deprive Children of Education -Ritambhara Singh and Mihir Rajamane
-TheWire.in It has already been a year and a half since the COVID-19 pandemic has disrupted education. It is high time that governments come up with innovative solutions to deal with the emerging situation. July 31, 2021 marked the first anniversary of the National Education Policy 2020. This year also marks the 11th anniversary of the Right of Children to Free and Compulsory Education, 2009 (‘RTE Act’) coming into force. However, the...
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