-The Hindu The panel is planning to crack down on hoarders and enhance the availability of onions Priced between Rs. 60 and Rs. 80 per kilogram in several parts of the country, onions are bringing tears to housewives. Concerned at the problem, the Committee of Secretaries is meeting here on Wednesday to take steps - including a crack down on hoarders - to ease the situation. Onion produce in Andhra Pradesh and Karnataka...
Onion price soars to Rs 80/kg despite normal supply
-PTI Prices expected to cool down in first week of Sept once supplies from AP and Karnataka increases Much to the discomfort of consumers, onion prices today touched Rs 80 per kg in most retail markets in the national capital despite normal supply in the wholesale markets. Wholesale price of onion have increased by Rs 5 to Rs 50-55 per kg in Azadpur mandi, according to the Onion Merchant Traders Association. Onion supply to...
More »Direct benefit transfer scheme for LPG to be extended to 35 more districts-Sujay Mehdudia
-The Hindu Following good response to the LPG direct benefit transfer scheme, the Petroleum and Natural Gas Ministry on Monday decided to extend it to 35 more districts from September 1, taking the total coverage to 55 districts. The scheme had met with considerable success in the 20 districts it was launched. Under the scheme, consumers get their subsidy directly in their bank accounts. The decision to include 35 more districts would...
More »The goat and the GDP -Surinder Sud
-The Business Standard Demand for products from the 'poor man's cow' is rising exponentially and should be encouraged. A goat is generally potrayed as a "poor man's cow". But that seems to be an understatement. Compared to cows, goats are more hardy, multi-utility, easy-to-maintain and prolific animals that can efficiently convert low-value vegetation, tree leaves and crop residues into high value meat, milk, hide, manure and fibre, including the much sought-after Pashmina...
The declining trend in food price inflation globally may not hold true for inflationary trends faced domestically due to a weakening Indian Rupee vis-a-vis the US Dollar. The recently released FAO Food Price Index (nominal) has shown a declining trend in July for the third consecutive month owing to lower international prices for grains, soy & palm oil, meat, dairy and sugar. (See links below) Based on FAO Food Price...
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