-PTI Three months after Prime Minister Narendra Modi launched the ‘Give It Up’ campaign, only 0.35 per cent of the domestic LPG consumers have so far given up using subsidised cooking gas. At a review meeting chaired by Oil Minister Dharmendra Pradhan last week, it was informed that just over 5.5 lakh out of the 15.3 crore LPG consumers have so far voluntarily surrendered subsidised LPG and started buying the cooking fuel...
Realty sector: Getting the foundation right
-The Indian Express As several steps taken by the Centre for the sector hangs fire, clarity and implementation of ‘Housing for All’ scheme would be the key for its success. The Union Cabinet approved its flagship ‘Housing for All’ scheme this week, with a 2022 target and a renewed emphasis on the low-income group categories by way of relaxed income limits and higher interest subvention. While the government seems to have struck...
More »Drought factor forces NDA government to rethink on MGNREGA -Ruhi Tewari
-The Indian Express The average days of employment provided per household, too, fell to 40.01 from 45.97 in 2013-14 and 46.20 in 2012-13. From Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s public barbs against its being a “living proof” of 60 years of Congress misrule, to a proposal now for extending the annual work entitlement to 150 days in drought-affected areas, the BJP-led government’s disposition towards the Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Act (MGNREGA)...
More »Food intake dynamics undergo changes: NSSO
Gujarat, which is hailed as a role model of growth and development, witnessed the lowest calorie intake per person per day in rural areas among the 17 major states of India during 2011-12. This has been revealed by the 68th round National Sample Survey report entitled Nutritional Intake in India 2011-12 (See chart 1). It can be inferred from the NSSO report that except Haryana, Punjab and Rajasthan, the daily...
More »Krishi Vigyan Kendras in West UP floundering on resource crunch -Sanjeeb Mukherjee
-Business Standard Conceptualised to impart on- and off-field training to farmers, these bodies are failing because of poor financial and logistical support Muradnagar/ Hastinapur: For Ravinder Singh, the red and white building, just a few metres away from their 10-bigha farm is nothing more than a regular government office, where officials come and go without having any impact on their lives. Though they are aware the building has something to do with agriculture,...
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