-The Hindu The incident occurred a day after Godhra train carnage; two BJP leaders acquitted A designated fast track court in Mehsana on Monday sentenced 21 persons to life imprisonment and another to one-year imprisonment in the Dipda Darwaja post-Godhra massacre case. Designated judge S.C. Srivastava acquitted 61 persons. None of the accused was found guilty of murder or pre-planned conspiracy and the conviction was on the charges of attempt to murder and...
Can India Inc. face the truth about the Manesar violence?-G Sampath
-DNA It would be sad if the ghastly violence at Maruti Suzuki’s (MSIL) Manesar plant on July 18, 2012, in which a HR manager died, were to be understood simply as a ‘murderous workers’ vs ‘rational management’ kind of an incident. There is a history and a context to this violence, and how that is understood, and acknowledged, by India Inc. will indicate how serious we are about preventing such incidents...
More »Caste slur did not trigger violence at Maruti's Manesar plant: Probe-Dipak Kumar Dash
-The Times of India Preliminary findings into the violence at the Maruti's Manesar plant has disproved the Maruti Suzuki Workers Union's allegations that the Mob fury was triggered by "casteist comments" allegedly made by a supervisor against a dalit worker. Investigators claimed that the supervisor, Sangram Singh, was also a dalit like his alleged victim, permanent worker Jiyalal, and therefore could not have made abusive comments against him. MSWU had alleged the casteist...
More »Naxalite hand in Maruti violence?-Pankaj Doval
-The Times of India The bloody and systematic attack on the senior management at Maruti's Manesar plant may have been the result of Naxal influence, according to sources within the government. Intelligence agencies have been asked to investigate whether Maoists are infiltrating trade unions in the Gurgaon-Manesar belt, which has witnessed serious labour trouble in the past few years, added the sources. The agencies are looking at a couple of trade unions...
More »Our democracy must empower voters-Prashant Bhushan & Atishi Marlena
-The Hindu Instruments that permit people to vote directly on policy and to initiate legislation can ensure that the citizen’s voice is heard Independent India has been a large-scale experiment in democracy. Unlike many other nations that gained independence from colonial rule but descended into dictatorships and military rule, India has remained a democracy, despite its size and diversity. While we pride ourselves on this achievement, we also need to reflect more...
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