-The Hindu The Aadhaar (Targeted Delivery of Financial and Other Subsidies, Benefits and Services) Bill, 2016, better known as Aadhaar Bill, was introduced in Lok Sabha on March 3. The Bill intends to provide for targeted delivery of subsidies and services to individuals residing in India by assigning them unique identity numbers. Parliament is debating on the certain portions of the Bill, which may need clarification or amendments: 1. Allowing private agencies to use...
Diesel generators raises pollution concerns at Art of Living event -Mallica Joshi
-Hindustan Times New Delhi: Art of Living may have promised zero environmental degradation because of the three-day World Culture Festival, but the high Power consumption for the event will not be without impact. The organisers will be drawing Power from diesel generators, which have high emissions because of the type of fuel used. Arrangements have to be made by the organisers on their own as Power distribution company, BSES, will not provide Power...
More »Tussle continues over Aadhaar bill -Nistula Hebbar
-The Hindu The question of whether or not the Aadhaar bill is a money bill continues to vex Parliament, with the Rajya Sabha’s Business Advisory Committee (BAC) meeting ending inconclusively after the Opposition demanded specific clauses of Article 110(1) of the Constitution that defines a Money Bill to be part of Speaker Sumitra Mahajan’s certification of it as such. Government sources, however, said they were determined to place the Bill as...
More »PDS rice finds its way into open market -Ravi P Benjamin
-TheHansIndia.com Anantapur: The Telugu Desam government’s pet subsidised rice scheme conceived by the party’s founder N T Rama Rao has helped the party ride to Power several times in the past. But the same scheme is now being watered down by the beneficiaries themselves, both eligible and ineligible, apart from the deep nexus between the dealers and black marketeers. About 40 percent of both eligible and ineligible ration cardholders are actually defeating...
More »Addressing the root causes of farm distress -Usha Tuteja
-The Financial Express It is expected that the measures announced in the Budget will boost agricultural output and rural incomes It appears that Budget FY17 has not generated enough excitement in media, academics and the masses, including farmers. Currently, farm distress is a serious concern in the country. The livelihood security of the rural population is in peril. Farmers are in dire need of substantial help to come out of the crisis-like...
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