-The Hindu An additional allocation of Rs. 100 crore was also made Dehradun: The Cabinet Committee on Uttarakhand (CCU) approved a package of Rs. 7,346 crore for the flood-ravaged Uttarakhand. The CCU, which was formed under the Uttarakhand Reconstruction and Rehabilitation plan, held a meeting in New Delhi on Monday under the Chairmanship of Prime Minister Manmohan Singh. In the meeting, other than Rs. 7,346 crore, an additional allocation of Rs. 100 crore was...
A case for universal pension -Jayati Ghosh
-Frontline In a situation of increasing life expectancy and crumbling traditional support structures, a universal social pension scheme that does not rely on contribution by a person or an employer can help the elderly. INDIA prides itself on being a "young" society, likely to benefit from a demographic dividend as children and young people move into working age groups over the next decade. This optimistic view assumes that society will be able...
More »School blight stalks laptop-driven Akhilesh
-The Telegraph Lucknow: The laptops are piling, the classrooms are empty. The Akhilesh Yadav-led Uttar Pradesh government today indicated it was ready to shift gears and focus on tackling alarming school dropout rates after being slammed over misplaced priorities and cash-guzzling populist schemes like free laptops. The issue was raised by a Congress legislator, Pramod Tiwari. BJP MLAs soon followed suit, drawing the government’s attention to the large number of dropouts at the...
More »Why beg at Bali? -Uttam Gupta
-The Indian Express India faces no risk of violating its commitments under WTO The Indian delegation, led by commerce minister Anand Sharma, is approaching the WTO Ministerial in Bali with a ‘begging bowl'. The government has agreed to the so-called ‘peace clause'-a euphemism for not taking any penal action for violating commitments under Agreement on Agriculture (AoA)-proposed by WTO Director General but with the caveat that this will remain in place until...
More »Legislation alone cannot suffice to deal with problem of hunger -Biraj Patnaik
-The Hindustan Times The passage of the National Food Security Act (NFSA) made 2013 a landmark year for the right to food in India. It was a small but significant step in the battle against hunger. If the year was witness to the emergence of a political consensus, nationally, on the right to food, the next year will need to be characterised more by action and not just intent. The principal challenge in...
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