-The Hindu Chennai: In a fresh bid to widen access to low-cost quality food, Chief Minister Jayalalithaa has ordered opening of 360 more "Amma Unavagams," the popular eateries, across Tamil Nadu. Among them 200 eateries would be set up in the Chennai Corporation limits. With this, the State would soon have 654 such canteens serving quality food at affordable rates. In expanding this welfare scheme which benefits the poor, daily wage earners,...
Will restructure MGNREGA: Gopinath Munde
-PTI Munde said proper implementation of the land acquisition Act and providing every household with sanitation and drinking water will be his priority New Delhi: Narendra Modi government will restructure United Progressive Alliance's flagship programme Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Act (MGNREGA) by linking employment with development in rural areas and "rigorously" implementing the new land acquisition law. Senior Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) leader Gopinath Munde, who took over as the minister...
More »Lotus has bloomed, now it’s the turn of rural job scheme - Jharkhand among bottom three in spending for flagship MGNREGS, finds out new Gopinath Munde ministry -Basant Kumar Mohanty
-The Telegraph New Delhi: Jharkhand's blooming lotus has a not-so-hidden thorny challenge. The state, which has rewarded the BJP and the Narendra Modi government with 12 MPs, has also thrown the new Gopinath Munde-headed rural development minister a MGNREGS zinger. Along with Odisha and Bihar, Jharkhand is at the bottom of the bucket list of states as far as the actual expenditure of funds under the national job guarantee scheme goes. In each of...
More »The loud cries of farmers' widows have been lost in the din of the Narendra Modi coronation-Devinder Sharma
-DNA In the midst of the euphoria in the capital markets, after a strong mandate for Narendra Modi, the loud cries of wailing farm widows have been lost in the noise and cacophony that followed. To my mind, this is the biggest policy paralysis that afflicts the country. So when I heard Modi speak at the Central Hall of Parliament the other day: "Ours will be a government that thinks, works and...
More »Mazdoor Kisan Shakti Sangathan
Formed in 1990 in rural Rajasthan, MKSS is a grassroots organization. Its objective is to use modes of struggle and constructive action for changing the lives of its primary constituents — the rural poor. In the period leading up to its formation it had taken up issues of re-distribution of land and minimum wages. MKSS also facilitates public hearings to expose corruption, apathy and malpractices in public service delivery mechanism,...
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