-Newsclick.in The union alleged that despite the BJP’s election manifesto in 2017 promising to improve their work conditions and INCreasing remuneration for Anganwadi workers within 120 days, nothing of the sort has happened. Lucknow: Accusing the Yogi Adityanath-led Uttar Pradesh government of misleading Anganwadi workers, the Anganwadi Karamchari Union in the state has threatened a state-wide protest if the state government fails to INCrease the allowance of the workers soon. It was...
Muslims more likely to be targeted by Delhi Police if facial recognition technology is used -Jai Vipra
-ThePrint.in Any technological intervention that intensifies policing will aggravate the historical systemic bias, particularly against Muslims living in over-policed areas like Old Delhi or Nizamuddin. The use of new technology, INCluding facial recognition technology (FRT) by police in India brings with it questions of efficiency, surveillance, and discrimination. Existing research focuses on the legal dimensions of FRT with an emphasis on privacy. In this paper, we provide an empirical basis to understand...
More »Child marriage cases in India filed mostly against elopement, not forced unions, study says -Raghav Bikhchandani
-ThePrint.in A Delhi-based legal resource group says its study analyses district and high court case law pertaining to child marriage in India between 2008 and 2017. New Delhi: Child marriage cases in India have primarily been filed against INCidents of elopement, as opposed to arranged or forced marriages, revealed a new study that aims to understand if the existing legislation — Prohibition of Child Marriage Act — serves its purpose. Delhi-based ‘legal resource...
More »Academics, activists, writers seek immediate release of Bhima Koregaon accused -Malavika Murali
-Hindustan Times Those still in custody in the case INClude Anand Teltumbde, Hany Babu, Shoma Sen, Jyoti Jagtap, Ramesh Gaichor, Sagar Gorkhe, Sudhir Dhawale, Mahesh Raut, Arun Ferreira, Surendra Gadling, Sudha Bharadwaj, Gautam Navlakha, Rona Wilson, and Vernon Gonsalves Over 100 academics, activists, and writers issued a statement on Tuesday demanding immediate and unconditional release of all those arrested in connection with the violence at Maharashtra’s Bhima Koregaon in 2018 and the...
More »MGNREGA Protects The Poor From Further Poverty During Natural Calamities -Manu Moudgil
-Newsclick.in The rural employment scheme puts cash in hands of the most vulnerable and also builds their resilience to extreme weather events while sequestering carbon. When a jobless Jagdish Kheda returned home from Udaipur during last year’s lockdown, he was hopeless. But his native Dedli village, in Dungarpur district of Rajasthan, saw a slew of activities in the next few months, INCluding the construction of a check dam and a road and...
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