-The Hindu The West Bengal government on Monday tabled the Singur Land Rehabilitation and Development Rules Act, 2011, which gives the government the option of giving unwilling land owners at the disputed plot at Singur a quantum of land equivalent to what they had lost. The Rules, which were laid in the Legislative Assembly by State Industry Minister Partha Chatterjee, defines an unwilling owner as someone who owns a plot of...
Rush to fill Singur forms
-The Telegraph The process of submission of forms to get back land in Singur continued today with the administration receiving 575 more applications from “unwilling” farmers. A total of 886 forms have been submitted to the block development office till 7.30pm today. “Yesterday, 311 farmers had submitted their forms. Today, 575 more applications were received,” said Pulak Sarkar, the Singur block development officer. The last date for submission of forms is...
More »Supreme Court slams U.P. over land acquisition
-PTI To step in to prevent “more Nandigrams” The Supreme Court on Monday criticised the Uttar Pradesh government for acquiring prime agricultural land to build luxury flats in Greater Noida and questioned the invoking of an urgency clause that bars farmers from raising objections. It noted it would step in to prevent “more Nandigrams.” “Whose residential use are these flats for? Who is building them? What are the prices? We want to...
More »Govt to include NAC's recommendations in Land Acquisition Bill
-The Business Standard Government today said the Land Acquisition Amendment Bill will include the recommendations made by Sonia Gandhi-led NAC, and once passed, the legislation will ensure that there are "no more Singurs" in the country. "The recommendations of the NAC will be included in the Land Acquisition bill...There will be no more Singurs. It will support the aspirations of the people," Law Minister M Veerappa Moily told reporters here. The Law...
More »Land Acquisition Bill to include NAC proposals
-Express News Service The Centre said on Monday the Land Acquisition (Amendment) Bill would include the recommendations made by Sonia Gandhi-led National Advisory Council (NAC), and, once passed, the legislation would ensure that there are “no more Singurs” in the country. The NAC has prescribed a seven-point test for a having a humane legislation on land acquisition and rehabilitation. “The recent recommendations of the NAC will be included in the Land...
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