The Rs 54,000 crore Posco integrated steel plant got the final clearance from Union environment and forests ministry on Monday. Jairam Ramesh gave the nod for the pending forest clearance to the state government, paving the way for the Korean steel giant to acquire the forest land required for the project. In January, Ramesh had put one last condition before the state government to acquire the forest land. He had asked...
Pesticide industry sees European link behind ban on endosulfan
The outcome of Stockholm Convention to ban endosulfan capping a long-drawn campaign against the pesticide on health grounds may have brought cheers to the opponents but the domestic industry is crying foul suspecting an European link aiming to capture the Indian market. India and a few other developing countries extracted several exemptions, including a phase out period of 11 years to ban production and use of the toxic pesticide at the...
More »EGoM to decide on grain Export, food bill on Monday by Sanjeeb Mukherjee
The empowered group of ministers (EGoM) expected to meet on Monday is expected to take a view on an agriculture ministry proposal to Export wheat and rice. The proposal is not backed by the food ministry, which wants to take into consideration the interest of consumers, and its own compulsions under the proposed food security bill, before moving on Exports under an open general licence. Officials said the food ministry is...
More »Against The Grain by Lola Nayar
Bumper wheat crop poses new headaches Paradox Of Plenty * Wheat projection of 84.27 million tonnes hit mandi prices * Farmers await price revival; govt buys much below last year * Wait for eGoM on Exports as global demand, prices are higher * Govt storage capacity already tight; fear of damage prevails * Food security scheme launch to raise stock requirements *** It’s been a nerve-racking week for Brijesh Singh. The 34-year-old...
More »Supreme Court orders suspension of 19 mining leases in Bellary by J Venkatesan
Making it clear that illegal mining would not be allowed to continue, the Supreme Court, acting on a report of the Central Empowered Committee (CEC), on Friday directed suspension of the 19 mining leases in Karnataka in the Bellary region and restrained these mines from carrying on operations until further orders. The Forest Bench comprising Chief Justice of India S.H. Kapadia, Justice Aftab Alam and Justice K.S. Radhakrishnan passed the restraint order...
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