-The Hindu Over 19 lakh of the 3.29 crore applicants were left out of the final register that took five years to compile. The Centre has asked the Assam government that “rejection slips” to those excluded from the final National Register of Citizens (NRC) published in 2019 shall be issued immediately. More than 19 lakh of the 3.29 crore applicants in Assam were left out of the final register that took five years...
Declining Female Work Participation in India: What does the Periodic Labour Force Survey Tell Us? -Ellina Samantroy, Kingshuk Sarkar and Sanjib Pradhan
-MainstreamWeekly.net The paper is based on highlights from the Periodic Labour Force Surveys (PLFS) on female labour force participation. The paper has also used the quinquennial rounds of the Employment and Unemployment Surveys. Women’s participation in the workforce has been continuously declining since 2004-05 though a marginal increase was reported in PLFS 2018-19 with a corresponding increase in self-employment. In this context, the paper tries to understand the employment trends for...
More »China may have become more prosperous in comparison to India in 2020, estimates new study
During the last one year, India seems to have lost the race in becoming the world leader in terms of development, prosperity and growth thanks to the recession brought about by the Covid-19 pandemic. The total number of poor people in the country has swelled and the middle class has shrunk in 2020 in comparison to what was anticipated earlier. A new study by the United States based think tank Pew...
More »How daily wage workers in India suffered in the lockdown -- and continue to struggle months later -Deepanshu Mohan, Jignesh Mistry, Advaita Singh & Snehal Sreedhar
-Scroll.in Data in Lucknow showed that mean monthly income for labour work fell 62%, from Rs 9,500 per month in pre-pandemic times to Rs 3,500 per month now. Asked how the lockdown-induced economic crisis affected the lives-livelihoods of daily wage workers, Rajesh Singh, in his early 20s in Lucknow said, “Since the time of Covid and the lockdown, there has been a severe crisis of employment opportunities in local labor markets. Getting...
More »Tamil Nadu’s distinct growth path is in peril -Kalaiyarasan A and M Vijayabaskar
-The Hindu The political emphasis on welfare interventions is insufficient to address the emerging developmental issues in the State A major concern in contemporary Indian development is the widening socio-economic disparity across groups and regions. Even when regions perform relatively better in one developmental dimension, it does not often translate into all round development. For instance, Himachal Pradesh and Kerala might have attained better levels of human development but that has not...
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