-The Hindu The Delhi Police Crime Branch plans to soon summon those named in the extortion case registered against Zee TV on a complaint by Jindal Steel and Power Limited alleging that Rs.100 crore was demanded in the form of advertisements to dilute the campaign launched by the news channel against the business group in connection with the alleged coal block scam. The Crime Branch has already sent the recordings of at...
A rank shame-Deepak Pental
-The Indian Express After QS and Times Higher Education published their rankings of universities across the world, higher education has become the subject of fierce debate in India. The highest ranking institutions from India are the IITs, but even these do not figure in the top 200. The general refrain — why does no Indian university find a place among the top global universities? Unfortunately, given our present policies on higher education...
More »Empty Promise -George Monbiot
-Outlook Could scientists have got the impacts of climate change on food supply wildly wrong? I believe we might have made a mistake: a mistake whose consequences, if I am right, would be hard to overstate. I think the forecasts for world food production could be entirely wrong. Food prices are rising again, partly because of the damage done to crops in the northern hemisphere by ferocious weather. In the US, Russia...
More »Delhi, Mumbai lag other Asian cities: UN survey -Moushumi Das Gupta
-The Hindustan Times Even after more than two decades of India's Look East policy, a UN study has put Mumbai and Delhi much below Asian cities such as Bangkok, Hanoi, Beijing, Jakarta or Manila in terms of prosperity. The United Nations Human Settlements Programme has described the two Indian cities as "moderately prosperous". The new city prosperity index, released on Wednesday, has tracked each on the basis of its performance on five key...
More »$50m for biodiversity conservation-KV Ramana
-DNA Amid the controversy over allocation of resources for biodiversity by developed and developing nations, India has decided to allocate $50 million (about Rs 275 crore) towards biodiversity conservation. In addition, the country would also allocate similar amount to help other developing nations conserve biodiversity. Addressing the representatives of about 190 countries at the opening plenary of the high-level segment of the 11th Conference of Parties (COP-11) on the Convention on Biological...
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