-PTI The Supreme Court on Thursday directed the chief secretaries of Rajasthan, Haryana, Uttar Pradesh, Andhra Pradesh, Maharashtra and Goa to file their affidavits on compliance of its directions on police reforms and constituting state security commission (SSC). A bench headed by Justice GS Singhvi directed the chief secretaries to respond when the SSC was constituted and how many sittings had taken place and directed them to provide the minutes of the...
Land lease is an idea whose time has come-NC Saxena
-The Business Standard It will make the coercive powers of the land acquisition law irrelevant, though including it in the central Bill would be unconstitutional The proposal to amend the central Land Acquisition Bill to provide for leasing of land rather than acquiring it is just not constitutionally feasible. Land is a state subject and the Centre cannot legislate on leasing at all. But as an idea it is great and should...
More »Lok Ayukta seeks survey report of Kannedhara mining lease area
-The Hindu Srikakulam Collector asked to set up a special committee Hyderabad: Lok Ayukta of Andhra Pradesh Justice B. Subhashan Reddy has directed Srikakulam District Collector Saurabh Gaur to set up a special committee to survey the Kannedhara hillock on which granite mining lease was granted to D. Rammanohar Naidu, son of Minister for Roads & Buildings Dharmana Prasada Rao. Mr. Saurabh Gaur, a few other district officials, including the Assistant Director of...
More »The fall of Saradha group revives old ghosts of ponzi schemes going bust -Atmadip Ray
-The Economic Times For many, it is a sense of deja vu. Fifteen years ago, the government and India's financial regulators came under fire after hundreds of crores were cleaned up by a few individuals and entities from gullible investors, who were promised fabulous returns from plantation schemes. In the uproar that followed, the government and the regulators sought to palm off the responsibility of regulation of such schemes on each...
More »Jairam dancing to the tune of corporate lobby: Brinda Karat
-The Hindu Left parties to press for referring land acquisition bill to panel VISAKHAPATNAM: Continuing her tirade against attempts by the UPA Government to adopt the Land Acquisition, Rehabilitation and Resettlement Bill, 2011, in Parliament without addressing the concerns expressed by many, CPI (M) Polit Bureau member Brinda Karat on Sunday accused Union Minister for Rural Development Jairam Ramesh of dancing to the tune of the corporate lobby. At a seminar on ‘Tribal...
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