-The Hindu They had sought inter alia universal social security cover for both organised and unorganised sectors Prime Minister Manmohan Singh on Friday said some of the demands raised by the various central trade unions, for which they organised a nationwide general strike for two days in February, were in advanced stage of consideration of the government. Those demands include universal social security cover for workers in both organised and unorganised sectors and...
UPA's 'Bharat smiling' feebly -Subodh Varma
-The Times of India NEW DELHI: The UPA is strenuously denying that this campaign is its earthy version of the NDA's "India Shining" campaign, but few are buying the denials. Launched as a "multi-media" campaign to highlight its achievements in two successive terms at the Center, it has been christened by political observers are UPA's " Bharat Smiling" campaign. The spirit of the campaign, says the publicity material given out by the...
More »The great Jobs disaster-CP Chandrasekhar and Jayati Ghosh
-The Hindu Business Line In much of the discussion on the turnaround after the Great Recession, attention has been focused on financial consolidation and the halting return to growth. Far less attention has been paid to the persistence of high and even rising unemployment and its sources. In the desperate search for evidence that the global recession has bottomed out and the recovery has arrived, the story told by the long-term trend...
More »Working women: Delhi has lowest percent in top cities -Rukmini Shrinivasan
-The Times of India NEW DELHI: Delhi has the lowest proportion of working women of any major Indian city, analysis of newly released Census data confirms. Kolkata and Mumbai have nearly double the proportion of working women as the capital city, and southern cities including Coimbatore and Bengaluru are at the highest end of the spectrum. Data released by the office of the Registrar General and Census Commissioner of India two...
More »'Only 2% of India’s youth have vocational training' -Subodh Varma
-The Times of India NEW DELHI: Here is a pointer why industry groans about the lack of skilled manpower. Just 2% of India's youth and only about 7% of the whole working age population have received vocational training, a recently released survey report reveals. As in the past, hereditary learning or learning on the job continue to generate more skills than the whole formal vocational training set up of the country which...
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