-The Hindu The All-India Democratic Women's Association (AidWA) has condemned the latest increase in the price of petrol by Rs.5 a litre. “The increase is unwarranted, particularly because international prices of oil had shown a declining trend in recent weeks. This is indeed a post-election gift to people from the UPA government,” a statement issued by AidWA sAid on Monday. “For the common people, who were reeling under relentless price rise for...
New Action Programme, and New Name for the Poorest by Jacques N. Couvas
A new 10-year blueprint for assisting the poorest countries on the planet to join the league of the more fortunate ones was approved Friday at the closing of the Fourth U.N. Conference on the Least Developed Countries (LDC-IV) held May 9- 13 here. The Istanbul Programme for Action, a 50-page plan negotiated for a week by heads of state and diplomats from both least developed and economically developed states, contemplates the...
More »UN summit adopts 10-year plan to help lift developing countries out of poverty
Participants at a United Nations summit today outlined a 10-year plan to support the world’s most vulnerable countries overcome poverty, calling on the private sector to play a greater role in the fight, urging wealthy nations to step up their Aid commitments and demanding the elimination of many trade barriers. The Istanbul Programme of Action to spur development and economic growth was made public at the end of the Fourth UN...
More »HPV vaccine: AidWA for action against rights violators
-The Hindu Consent forms signed by higher authorities on behalf of adolescent girls ‘Interests of NGO, business prioritised over that of people' Due attention was not pAid to the adverse side effects and vaccine-related problems Expressing concern over the “shocking” irregularities and violation of medical ethics in the Human Papilloma Virus (HPV) vaccine trial, revealed by the final HPV enquiry report and its findings, the All-India Democratic Women's Association (AidWA) has demanded fixing...
More »AidWA demands law on ‘honour' killing
The All-India Democratic Women's Association (AidWA) has welcomed the Supreme Court judgment underscoring the gravity, barbaric and feudal nature of killings in the name of ‘honour.' “The judgment exposes the failure of the government to take appropriate action and bring the perpetrators of such crimes to justice. It has been a long-standing demand of AidWA that such killings and crimes in the name of ‘honour' be dealt with by a comprehensive...
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