-The Hindu The PMJDY celebrates success on its website, but thousands of Marys remain outside the banking system. This won’t change unless the scheme alters both design and implementation A few months ago, when the Pradhan Mantri Jan Dhan Yojana (PMJDY) was still being spoken of as a success for the largest number of accounts opened in a day, earning the government a Guinness world record, I visited the branch of a...
Farmers committing suicide due to failed crop, not love affairs: Will 'Skill India' provide relief? -Valay Singh
-The Economic Times Premshankar Meena, 20, didn't kill himself for his love. He didn't because he was addicted to drugs, either, whether agriculture minister Radha Mohan Singh believes that or not. In July, when asked if the "lack of support to poor and small farmers by way of greater inputs and better support price for their produce" was the main reason for rising suicides, Singh said: "According to NCRB [National Crime...
More »National policy on domestic helps in the works
-The Times of India NEW DELHI: The days of domestic helps, mostly women, toiling away for a pittance may soon be over with the government giving final touches to a national policy which will prescribe a minimum salary along with other benefits like compulsory paid leave every year and maternity leave. According to sources, the minimum salary could be pegged at Rs 9,000 per month while 15 days of paid leave a...
More »Of Poverty, Inequality and gigantic denials -Abhijit Mukhopadhyay
-Bargad.org A good amount of data from Socio Economic and Caste Census (SECC) 2011 are out – though the caste data are yet to be divulged to the public. And expectedly there is a demand to make the caste data public as soon as possible. However, currently that is not the point of public discussion. Rather, the survey data show in no uncertain terms the abject poverty and inequality which are...
More »Drug abuse cases on the rise in Kerala after new liquor policy -Shaju Philip
-The Indian Express Kerala Excise Minister K Babu on Friday said the state is confronting a major challenge as liquor-addicts are exploring new ways to set off the reduced availability of liquor. Thiruvananthapuram: After closure of 712 liquor bars below five- star category in Kerala April this year, abuse of narcotic drugs, psychotropic substances is going up alarmingly along with the increased sale of illegal liquor and even stimulating ayurvedic tonics,...
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