Just reclassified Rs 1.46 lakh crore of spending as capital investment. Finance Minister Pranab Mukherjee’s Budget for 2011-12 seems to have used a new accounting system to make a virtue of necessity. Committed to provide funds to run the Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Scheme or MGNREGS, Mukherjee has transferred the entire financial allocation for the scheme under a head that will now help him take credit for a reduced effective...
MGNREGA: Women work at canal sans safety measures by Anju Agnihotri Chaba
Nearly 50 women job card holders are working at the Bist Doaba canal near Pinjora under the Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Guarantee Scheme without any safety measures. The work involves de-silting the canal, but officials have not provided for adequate safety measures at the site. Amarjit Kaur, one of the workers, said: “Officers should take care of our safety as the canal banks are usually quite slippery.” After the intervention by...
More »Channels of change by Richard Mahapatra
Two villages in Uttar Pradesh have reversed the trend of migration by digging six kilometres of channels to bring water to drought-hit farms Call it the fallout of seven years of severe drought or government inaction, a silent revolution is brewing in Lalitpur district of Uttar Pradesh. Communities are getting united and digging channels to bring water from government canals to their fields. Some are volunteering labour, while those belonging to...
More »Employment Opportunities under MGNREGS
Employment under Mahatma Gandhi NREGA is provided on demand. The household holding a valid Job Card has to, under Para 9 of Schedule II of the Act, submit application for work to be entitled to receive employment. Number of days of employment availed by a household under the Act also depends on the availability of other employment opportunities in an area. A worker is free to avail any other employment...
More »Centre's step pushes UP govt into corner by Swati Mathur
The seemingly never-ending slugfest between the Centre and state governments over the implementation of Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Scheme (MGNREGS) has taken a new twist in Uttar Pradesh. The Union ministry of rural development, in a circular dated 11 March, has laid down detailed processes that will be invoked in cases where the Centre receives any complaint regarding the issue or improper utilisation of funds. Though the Central government notification...
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