-The Hindu The audit has also found substantial systemic problems with the Direct Benefit Transfer in LPG scheme, called Pahal by the government. The Centre claims it would end up saving almost Rs. 22,000 crore in the financial years of 2014-15 and 2015-16 since launching its two-pronged approach on Cooking gas subsidy — introducing direct bank transfers of the subsidy and asking better off consumers to voluntarily give up theirs. However, a CAG...
Women are the engines of the Indian economy but our contribution is ignored -Jayati Ghosh
-TheGuardian.com Hardworking women in India care for family members, cook, clean, garden, sew and farm without getting paid. When will official statistics recognise this? Women’s participation in work is an indicator of their status in a society. Paid work offers more opportunities for women’s agency, mobility and empowerment, and it usually leads to greater social recognition of the work that women do, whether paid or unpaid. Where women’s work participation rates are relatively...
More »Streamline noon meal scheme before introducing breakfast, say activists -Aditi R
-The Hindu Officials are still in the process of finding out requirements across the State Chennai: Nearly one month after the State government announced that breakfast will be provided in schools as part of noon meal scheme, officials are still figuring out the modalities of implementation, including the food variety and age group to be covered. “We are surveying the requirements across the State,” said a senior official from the Department of Social...
More »Labelling to take the pinch out of salt -R Prasad
-The Hindu If regulation goes to plan, the Indian consumer will no longer be in the dark about sodium content in food products. Indian adults consume between 8.5 grams and 15 grams of salt each day as against the World Health Organisation’s (WHO) recommendation of less than 5 grams per day to reduce blood pressure, heart disease and stroke, says a September 2012 paper in PLOS ONE. According to the President of the...
More »Study sounds pollution death alert
-The Telegraph New Delhi: India's annual toll of premature deaths from air pollution is likely to rise to 1.7 million over the next two decades despite planned initiatives to lower power sector and transport emissions, says a study that highlights the need for more action. Released today by the Paris-based International Energy Agency (IEA), the study cautions that rising incomes, urbanisation and industrialisation are raising energy consumption in India and worsening air...
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