-Business Standard Plugs Rs 5,060 crore of LPG subsidy parked with 21 million, largely fake customers The enrolment of beneficiaries under the ambitious modified Direct Benefits Transfer for LPG (DBTL) scheme has finally stopped at 128.7 million people, oil ministry, data show. This translates into annual subsidy savings for the government to the tune of Rs 5,060 crore at the current prices that was linked to the rest 21.3 million customers. These include...
With Economy on an Upturn, India Needs to Unlock Investments to Accelerate Growth, says World Bank
-The World Bank A World Bank study shows creating productive assets can help make MGNREGS cost effective New Delhi– The Indian economy has turned the corner, says the latest India Development Update of the World Bank. Aided by a supportive external environment, in particular the sharp decline in oil and commodity prices, the Indian economy has taken strong strides towards higher growth and enhanced stability. Growth has accelerated, inflation has declined, the...
More »Lack of Clarity and Vision in New Mines and Minerals Act -EAS Sarma
-Economic and Political Weekly Much has been claimed on behalf of the Mines and Minerals (Development and Regulation) Amendment Act that has been enacted by Parliament, but the legislation has introduced a watered-down version of auctions, has many exceptions to legalise the old first-cum-firstserve approach, and ignores previous Supreme Court rulings on measures to ensure sustainable development. E A S Sarma (eassarma@gmail.com) is a former Union Power Secretary. With a brute majority in...
More »Death by Breath: Thirst for diesel food for poison -Aniruddha Ghosal & Pritha Chatterjee
-The Indian Express New Delhi: You might not know it, but the next time you park your diesel vehicle at the shopping mall and answer that ringing phone, you would have done your bit to release a small portion of poison into Delhi's air. Not once, but thrice. From the exhaust fumes of your car to the generator sets that keep the mall alive, and the mobile tower active. So much so,...
More »Budget in search of hope -Ashok Sekhar Ganguly
-The Telegraph The 2015-16 budget was presented to the Lok Sabha by the finance minister on February 28, 2015. The first half of the 2015 budget session of both Houses of Parliament has just ended. The highlight was the passing of a number of bills and the budget debate. The debate on the budget in the Rajya Sabha was a long one, lasting over 10 hours. Several speakers participated, drawn from...
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