-Scroll.in In the last ten years, Tamil Nadu has seen households' debt go out of control. Why? G Venkatasubramanian trots out some astonishing numbers. Over the last 15 years, he and his fellow Researchers at Pondicherry's French Institute have been studying debt bondage among families in 20 villages in Tamil Nadu. Half of these settlements are in the coastal district of Cuddalore, and the others are in the adjoining district of Villupuram. Their study...
The dynamic nature of poverty -Sonalde Desai & Amit Thorat
-The Hindu We need to rethink social safety nets in India’s growing economy so that they can also focus on the accidents of life rather than solely on the accidents of birth. Sometimes the grand narratives of the Left and the Right do not seem to have any relationship with the lived experiences of ordinary Indians. For the past two decades, the Left has tried to expand social welfare programmes for the...
More »A flawed approach to managing water -Nilanjan Ghosh
-The Hindu Business Line The draft laws do not take a holistic view of surface and groundwater management. Nor are institutional issues spelt out The draft National Water Framework Bill 2016 was placed in the public domain for comments in end-May by the ministry of water resources, river development and Ganga rejuvenation. Around the same time, the ministry also placed the Model Bill for the Conservation, Protection, Regulation and Management of Groundwater 2016...
More »A finger on the pulse -M Venkaiah Naidu
-The Hindu Business Line The Government has several short and long-term strategies to achieve self-sufficiency Who can deny that pulses are at the core of the average Indian diet? Therefore, the NDA government’s multi-pronged short-term and long-term strategies to meet the growing consumption of pulses in the country — from importing to increasing production through new technologies, and making cultivation attractive to farmers — is to be welcomed. In fact, pulses play...
More »IMD sees monsoon rains picking up pace in first week of August -Prerna Kapoor and Nikita Mehta
-Livemint.com Government forecaster India Meteorological Department (IMD) says rainfall was 4% below the long-period average for the country as a whole New Delhi: After a slowdown in most parts of the country in the past week, the monsoon is expected to see a pickup in north-west and central India in the first week of August. Government forecaster India Meteorological Department (IMD) on Thursday said rainfall was 4% below the long-period average (the...
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