Enforcement Directorate has begun attaching Madhu Koda and his friends’ properties, mostly flats and land in Bihar, Jharkhand and Maharashtra, valued at over Rs 300 crore. Armed with an April 6 approval order from the adjudicating authority for cases under the Prevention of Money Laundering Act (PMLA), the directorate is sticking to the higher valuation even though 2007 revenue department assessments pegged the properties’ worth at around Rs 130 crore. “This is...
WHO's support sought for Binayak Sen's release by Vinaya Deshpande
Global health organisations cite his work to control TB in tribal areas An international network of health organisations, and individual professionals, researchers, medical students and health activists have written to the World Health Organisation, requesting it to support the cause of release of Binayak Sen. Fourteen health organisations and 178 individual health workers have endorsed the letter written to WHO Director-General Margaret Chan and WHO Executive Secretary of the Stop TB partnership,...
More »Arrest-release boosts Akhil Gogoi’s movement by Syed Miraz Ahmed
The Krishak Mukti Sangram Samity Assam’s (KMSSA) General Secretary Akhil Gogoi on Sunday was taken into custody by Pan Bazaar Police from outside the Guwahati Press Club premises for first instance violation of PR Act 126. Anti-corruption campaigner Akhil Gogoi along with some 40 members and supporters was at that time about to proceed to Dighali Pukhuri to lead a democratic sit in protest in support of Gandhian Anna Hazare’s demand...
More »RTI activist held for code violation
RTI activist and leader of Krishak Mukti Sangram Samiti (KMSS) Akhil Gogoi, along with some of his associates, was Arrested on Sunday for allegedly violating Section 144 Cr.PC and his press meet stopped under the Representation of the People Act. Kamrup (Metro) Senior Superintendent of Police Deepak Chowdhury said Mr. Gogoi was detained for violating Section 144 Cr.PC after he and his associates gathered at Dighalipukhuri area to take out a...
More »Akhil released after ‘Arrest’
Peasant leader and RTI activist Akhil Gogoi’s long drawn campaign against corruption reached a crescendo today with police detaining him for violating Section 144 while taking out a procession in support of Anna Hazare’s movement for the new Lok Pal Bill. He was later released. Hundreds of people spilled onto the streets of Assam, particularly in Upper Assam, today after police detained the RTI activist. Akhil was first stopped in the middle...
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