Chhattisgarh police raided the residence of Jaipur-based human rights activist Kavita SRIvastava early on Monday morning in search of a fugitive woman Maoist from that State. Ms. SRIvastava, general secretary of PUCL Rajasthan, was not present at the house on Kisan Marg in Shanti Niketan Colony when men in uniform and plainclothes came looking for one Sumit Sodi. The police team, comprising commandos from Chhattisgarh and personnel of Special Task Force of...
New Mining Bill aims at equity, transparency by Sujay Mehdudia
The Mines and Mineral Development and Regulation (MMDR) Bill, 2011 approved by the Union Cabinet on Friday aims to ensure transparency, equity, elimination of discretion, effective redress and regulatory mechanisms along with incentives encouraging good mining practices, which will lead to technology absorption and exploitation of deep seated minerals. The menace of illegal mining in Karnataka and Goa continues unabated despite strong outrage against it. As many as 82,000 cases were...
More »‘Save Sharmila Solidarity Campaign' launched
-The Hindu Supporting the cause of the Manipuri civil rights activist, who has been on fast for the past 11 years demanding the repeal of the Armed Forces (Special Powers) Act, several organisations came together here on the occasion of Gandhi Jayanthi to launch a nation-wide “Save Sharmila Solidarity Campaign.” The campaign began at Jantar Mantar with several people coming out in support of the cause. “It is the first time in...
More »India accounts for 58 per cent of those practicing open defecation globally by K Balchand
India accounts for 58 percent of those who practice open defecation across the globe. In its finding for the year 2008, UNICEF estimated that as many as 63.8 crore people, that is, 54 percent of the country's population, practice open defecation due to inadequate sanitation. On this ignominious list, Indonesia is a distant second with 5.7 crore people lacking toilet facilities, and it accounts for 5 percent of the hapless population which...
More »Panel suggests price control in Essential Drug List by Kounteya Sinha
Drug prices have shot up phenomenally in India over the past decade and a half. A Planning Commission's expert group says there was nearly 40% rise in all drug prices between 1996 and 2006, thanks to the nation's pricedecontrol policies of the 1990s. Citing a study conducted in 2008, the Commission's high-level expert group (HLEG) on universal health coverage, headed by Dr K SRInath Reddy, says during the same period...
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