-The Times of India Deputy commissioner Pooja Singhal on Friday handed over a cheque for Rs 25,000 to Kabutri Kuarn, the widow of anMGNREGA job card holder from Hotai village under Panki block, Jaggu Bhuiyan (45), who was found hanging from a tree on January 7 in the village. Singhal also made a fixed deposit of Rs 50,000 in her and her sons' names for a period of three years in a...
Government unwilling to revise Bhopal tragedy toll by Nitin Sethi
The government is not keen to change the classification of victims of the Bhopal gas tragedy in its curative petition before the Supreme Court and allow higher compensation for thousands or admit to a higher number of fatalities, although it is ready to consider doubling the relief demanded for the small number it currently accepts as dead and those permanently scarred due to the lethal gas leak. The government seems to...
More »A major milestone in polio eradication by T Jacob John
While one year has passed without polio caused by natural poliovirus, we can claim complete eradication only after we ensure the absence of wild and vaccine polioviruses in the population. Today, India passes one whole year without polio caused by natural (wild) poliovirus — a major milestone towards polio eradication. This spells relief from an agonising decade of wild polioviruses refusing to surrender. Many experts believed that India posed the greatest...
More »Amend clinical trial rules after wider consultations: health activists
-The Hindu Issues of conflict of interest within Ethics Committee remain to be resolved, they say Public health activists and women's rights groups have raised concerns over compensation-related amendments to the Drugs and Cosmetic Rules 2011 proposed by the Union Health Ministry for subjects of clinical trials. They have suggested wider consultations before the amendments are notified. The proposed amendments pertain to the Drugs and Cosmetics Rules, 1945 (rule 122 DAA) saying that...
More »MHA takes offence to nude tribal dance
-DNA The ministry of home affairs has ordered an inquiry into the repulsive video showcasing Anadaman aborogines - Jarawa tribe - forced to dance nude for food before foreign tourists. “The video, we have inquired, was on the internet for the last 4-5 years. But we have ceased off the matter and taking congnisance, have ordered an inquiry into it by the Anadaman and Nicobar administration and UT (union territory) division. “Besides, we...
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