-The Indian Express The Lok Sabha MPs together ran up a bill over Rs 5.69 crore by overstaying. Bills of 27 Lok Sabha MPs, who stayed at the Ashok Hotel in New Delhi during the last one year, have not been approved by the Lok Sabha Secretariat since these MPs had been allotted government accommodation but chose to stay on at the hotel for one reason or the other. They together ran...
India wins patent war on hair loss formula -Vishwa Mohan
-The Times of India NEW DELHI: India scored an important success when it fully protected its traditional knowledge by stalling a leading UK-based laboratory's move to patent a medicinal composition containing turmeric, pine bark and green tea for treating hair loss. The move comes just days after India foiled a similar attempt by US-based consumer goods giant Colgate-Palmolive from patenting a mouthwash formula containing herbal extracts. The vigilance of the Traditional Knowledge...
More »Jharkhand: This tribal woman farms to run her free school -Saumya Mishra
-Hindustan Times Ranchi: Education is perhaps the only tool that has the power to change society, says 28-year-old Supriya Kujur, a tribal woman from Jharkhand’s Gumla district. Having struggled to educate herself, Kujur, who now runs a school in her village, is bringing about the change in the neighbourhood. Kujur’s school has more children than the 50 students enrolled in the government school in her village. Currently 250 students attend her school — Sukru...
More »Make National Agri Market inclusive for small farmers -Hema Yadav & Shalendra
-The Hindu Business Line New structure facilitates inter-state co-operation The recently announced National Agricultural Market aims to bring about a unified market through networking of mandis to facilitate seamless flow of goods and information. This may not alter the State- dominated existing agricultural marketing structure; but it calls for redefining their role and functions to make the concept more inclusive for farmers. Fear of rejection The networking of markets is expected to enhance access to...
More »Many degrees of hopelessness in India's villages -Harsh Mander
-Hindustan Times The picture of rural Indian life today that emerges from what is probably the world's largest study ever of household deprivation is sobering and sombre. It describes a massive hinterland still imprisoned in persisting endemic impoverishment, want, illiteracy and indeed hopelessness. It tells a story that every thinking and caring Indian must heed. Advocates of free markets, opposed to building a welfare state, have long argued that accelerated market-led economic...
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