-The Hindu Union Minister of Rural Development Jairam Ramesh has written to the Madhya Pradesh government in support of tribal rights activist Madhuri Krishnaswamy, who was served an externment notice by the Barwani district administration a few days ago. In a letter written to Madhya Pradesh government, Mr. Ramesh has requested Chief Secretary R. Parsuram to look into the matter personally. “I don't know the lady or the organisation against whom the Barwani...
RTE seat quota sparks caste vs income debate-Dharmendra Jore
The Right to Education Act mandates that 25% seats in private schools be reserved for students from the weaker section of society. Within this 25% quota, the state will have another quota to allot seats as per the existing reservation module. Each state has a right to notify such categories and conditions. President of the Satyashodhak OBC Parishad, Hanumant Upre accused the government of being anti-OBC. "The very thought of reservations in...
More »The tyranny of context-Dharminder Kumar
Looking closer at the Ambedkar cartoon and the power play in it We have examined a lot of politics and history around the Ambedkar cartoon but left the most important part unexamined — the very cartoon that created such a furore in Parliament. By assuming that the meaning of the cartoon is wholly dependent on one context, we have denied the work of art whatever autonomy of meaning it could have....
More »Rescinding Freedom via Ambedkar-Dhananjay Rai
Books, cartoons and judgments are being discussed thoroughly from highest bodies of liberal democracy like Parliament to constituents of public sphere i.e. print to media artefacts. Primarily, there are two standpoints regarding inclusion/exclusion of cartoons in NCERT Books (political science). Inclusionary argument is based on idea of deliverance of great service to B.R.Ambedkar while emphasising his teachings, ideas and place in the book. Exclusionary argument is based on cartoon itself...
More »Panel to review Acts and Articles of the Constitution extended to Jammu and Kashmir
-The Economic Times The Centre's interlocutors panel on Jammu and Kashmir has recommended setting up of a Constitutional committee to review all central Acts and Articles of the Constitution extended to Jammu and Kashmir. The purpose is to determine how the application of these laws has dented the special status of J&K and curtailed the state government's powers to cater to welfare of its people. The report of the interlocutors - Dileep...
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