-The Indian Express A video surfaced on social media, which shows a cook at the Salai Banwa Primary School in Kota village boiling water in a large aluminum container before adding milk from a one-litre tetra pack. In Uttar Pradesh’s Sonbhadra district, a bucket of water was allegedly mixed in one litre of milk to feed around 81 students at a local school as part of the mid-day MEAl programme on...
Smarter than Aadhaar -Reetika Khera
-The Indian Express Viable solutions to PDS portability are being ignored in the push for Aadhaar. Migrants’ woes are often invoked in making a case for portability of benefits in the public distribution system (PDS). Most recently, an article (‘A hundred small steps’, IE, September 26) did just that. However, in many cases of short-term seasonal migration (a dominant form in India), only one or two of the household members migrate,...
More »Right to food: The politics of vegetarianism in India -Abhirup Dam
-The Telegraph With malnutrition levels as bad as sub-Saharan African countries, a vegetarian diet is just an imposition for Indians Indian cuisine is not a homogenous entity, and food habits differ along regional, religious, caste, and class lines. Yet there is an assumption in dominant discourses that India is a vegetarian nation. According to Dr Veena Shatrugna, former Director, National Institute of Nutrition, Hyderbad, contrary to any such assumption, about 80 per...
More »Indians are getting sick mostly due to infections: NSSO report -Banjot Kaur
-Down to Earth Treatment of cardiovascular diseases cost a bomb in rural India Among all ailments, it is infections that are making Indians the most sick. And, this is true for both, rural and urban areas, according to latest study of the National Sample Survey Office (NSSO). These infections include malaria, viral hepatitis / jaundice, acute diarrhoeal diseases / dysentery, dengue fever, chikungunya, MEAsles, acute encephalitis syndrome, typhoid, hookworm infection filariasis, tuberculosis and...
More »GDP slump will hit $5-trillion economy target, warns NITI Aayog -TCA Sharad Raghavan & Sobhana K Nair
-The Hindu The Hindu has accessed a presentation made by NITI Aayog CEO Amitabh Kant to the Standing Committee on Finance; 12.4% growth needed to achieve the figure, Mr. Kant said. The road to a $5 trillion economy by 2025 is beset with many speed breakers, the NITI Aayog has warned the government. To begin with, the think tank has said the nominal GDP growth — a MEAsure of growth without accounting for...
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