-The Hindu Social activist Medha Patkar has accused the UPA government of reeling under corporate pressure for its decision to shift Jaipal Reddy from the Petroleum and Natural Gas Ministry. Ms. Patkar alleged the decision was taken to provide undue benefits to the Mukesh Ambani-led Reliance Industries Ltd. “Mr. Reddy has been removed because he questioned the irrational demand by RIL on escalating the prices of natural gas. A few years ago, the...
Women’s property rights tied to suicides -Hemali Chhapia
-The Times of India MUMBAI: Has the amendment to the Hindu Succession Act conferring equal rights over property to daughters shattered the peace at home? A study put together by an American and a Canadian university not only arrives at this conclusion but goes one step further and draws a co-relation between the Act being changed in 2005 and a subsequent rise in suicides. The paper, called 'Suicide and Property Rights in...
More »India ranked at 115 on women empowerment scale: Survey
-PTI Melbourne: India has been ranked at a poor 115 by a global survey which looked into the level of economical empowerment of women in 128 countries. The list was topped by Australia and followed by three Scandinavian countries -- Norway, Sweden and Finland. At the bottom of the list were Yemen, Pakistan, Sudan and Chad. The research done by an international consulting and management firm Booz & Company ranked India at 115 and...
More »Gutkha lobby on ad blitz, ministry plans counter-offensive-Abantika Ghosh
-The Indian Express A series of surrogate advertisements by the gutkha lobby against the ban on it in 14 states in quick succession is now threatening to erupt into a full-scale ad war. The Health Ministry is considering the option of issuing ads of its own to rebut the claims made by gutkha makers. Interestingly, the ministry does not appear to be keen on invoking the anti-tobacco law, which forbids advertising of...
More »Farmville in the real world -GS Unnikrishnan
-The Hindu A.R. Avaneendranathan, a dairy farmer, aims at popularising native breeds of farm animals “This cow is 83 cm tall, just six cm more than the shortest cow entered in the Guinness Book of World Records. I bought her at Badiyadukka in Kasaragod district. She is a Kasaragod dwarf breed of cattle but has the characteristics of a Malnad Gidda, which is also a dwarf breed. This breed can survive on...
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