-Firstpost.com In the latest development in the Koili Devi vs Union of India case, the Supreme Court has sought the Centre’s response to the plea that 'three crore ration cards are gone' Santoshi Kumari was an 11-year-old girl from Karimati village of the Jaldega block in Simdega district of Jharkhand. On September 28, 2017, Santoshi fell unconscious. "Bhaat (rice)," she pleaded, recalls her mother. The mother rushed to the nearest Public Distribution...
Only 11% low-income countries make their data open: World Bank report -Kiran Pandey
-Down to Earth Gaps in data on women and girls particularly severe; countries do not invest enough in public intent data systems, the report said Most countries have shied away from an open-data policy — more so countries with developing economies, according to a recent World Bank report. Only 11 per cent low-income countries consistently made available with a license classifiable as ’open’, the report flagged. The comparable rate for lower-middle-income countries was...
More »Why PRIvatising public assets is poor economics, impetus to greater wealth inequality -Prabhat Patnaik
-The Indian Express The only difference between a fiscal deficit and selling public assets lies in the nature of the government paper that is handed to the PRIvate sector, but the macroeconomic consequences of a fiscal deficit on the economy are no different from those of selling public assets. The government has adduced no reasons for the proposed PRIvatisation of several public sector assets other than to generate resources for its spending....
More »Dismantling the labyrinth: What I learnt about power and PRIvilege when I quit Ashoka in 2016 -Rajendran Narayanan
-Scroll.in To truly create sanctuaries of learning and questioning, the right to be heard impartially must be universal. Pratap Bhanu Mehta’s resignation from Ashoka University has been met with widespread condemnation from various academics. Rightly so. He is one of the foremost scholars and an articulate commentator on the Indian Constitution and politics. His resignation triggered the resignation of the renowned economist, Arvind Subramanain, who was India’s Chief Economic Advisor between 2014...
More »Nuns’ detention in Uttar Pradesh fans Kerala poll furore -Ramesh Babu
-Hindustan Times The nuns’ congregation belongs to Syro-Malabar Church which is based in Kerala. Thiruvananthapuram: The brief detention of a group of nuns by Government Railway Police (GRP) following complaints of alleged forced conversion by Bajrang Dal activists in Uttar Pradesh’s Jhansi district has generated a political firestorm in Kerala ahead of the crucial assembly elections next month. The nuns’ congregation belongs to Syro-Malabar Church which is based in Kerala. While the Kerala Catholic...
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