The 'Pradhan Mantri Adarsh Gram Yojana' (PMAGY) was launched in Rajasthan's Sriganganagar District on Friday. Union Minister of Social Justice and Empowerment Mukul Wasnik launched the scheme at Village 18 BB, Block Padampur here. Mukul Wasnik read out the Message sent by Prime Minister Dr. Manmohan Singh on this occasion. In his message, Dr Singh said that the scheme, which aims at the integrated development of one thousand villages where a majority of...
Labouring for the Commonwealth Games by CP Surendran
Behind Delhi's radical makeover for the Commonwealth Games are 150,000 migrants labourers toiling hard to meet the October deadline. TOI-Crest gives this silent workforce a name and a face. Thirty-five-year old Vijay is from Sagar village in Madhya Pradesh. His thekedar, who makes regular trips to the villages to round up skilled and unskilled labourers, had told him he'd be working on the beautification of Delhi University roads under the...
More »Nitish under CBI scanner
In a development that promises to snowball into a major election issue for the first time, Patna High Court has ordered a CBI probe against Nitish Kumar and his colleagues for alleged financial irregularities. The high court today ordered investigations into irregularities to the tune of Rs 11,412 crore drawn from state treasuries. The amount was drawn between April 1, 2002, and March 31, 2008, by various state departments to...
More »Communal violence bill: activists, government at loggerheads by Smita Gupta
From the framing of its first draft in 2005 to the heated debates that have followed it, the Communal Violence (Prevention, Control and Rehabilitation of Victims) Bill has been mired in controversy. The government feels that civil society organisations want to take over its powers; civil society organisations believe the government is simply not prepared to go far enough. Now, after five years of back and forth, the National Advisory Council...
More »It’s Not All Frivolity by Anuradha Raman
Mangalore air crash highlights two petitions highlighting safety violations in the Mangalore tabletop airport, dismissed by the Karnataka High Court in ’92 and by the Supreme Court in ’02 Apex court dismisses petition against mining in Niyamgiri hills in 2008; now a global focus point The same year, the apex court dismisses PIL against the building of the Commonwealth Games village on the Yamuna riverbed. Why has the UPA government, which loses no...
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