As Tamil Nadu and Andhra Pradesh fight the fury of flood caused by annual northeast monsoon, a report by the Comptroller and Auditor General (CAG) on the natural disaster in Uttarakhand, which took place in June 2013, has been made available in the public domain recently. The CAG report discloses how various development activities in the state flouted guidelines issued by the Ministry of Environment and Forests (MoEF), Expert Committee on glaciers...
Planning for the next flood
-The Hindu Cyclonic storms on Tamil Nadu’s 1,076-km coastline are not unusual, and at least once in two years there is some disaster or the other. The common thread running through every such instance is that all claims of preparedness are invariably exposed as either hollow or woefully inadequate. The focus, as well as any claim to administrative efficiency, is solely on rescue and relief operations. What the government is able...
More »‘NE monsoon a blessing for farmers’ -Pratiksha Ramkumar
-The Times of India COIMBATORE: Farmers across the district are a happy lot this time, as no crops were damaged in the northeast monsoon showers. They also expect a good harvest this season, thanks to the right amount of rainfall. The district had received almost 250mm of in a span of two weeks. Even as widespread flooding was reported in paddy fields across the Cauvery delta and southern parts of the state, farms...
More »Half of India is drought-hit, but states yet to seek central help -Vishwa Mohan
-The Times of India NEW DELHI: Nearly half of the country's 676 districts are in the grip of drought due to deficit monsoon rainfall, but most of the affected states have so far not even approached the Centre for assistance after doing their ground surveys. Since agriculture is a state subject, the states' casual approach may not only adversely impact farmers who have already lost their kharif (summer) crops due to less...
More »Keeping a finger on the pulse economy -Yoginder K Alagh
-The Tribune To ensure stable prices of pulses and attractive returns for producers, policies of domestic prices and tariffs should blend. Import duties must be calibrated with demand. As the Indian economy grows at a rate of 7 per cent plus, assuming low growth as an aberration, the food basket will diversify. Within grains, the movement will be to pulses as shown by the expert group on pulse production. The yield and...
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