-The Hindu The sixth round of talks with all farmer unions will not be held on December 9. Union Home Minister Amit Shah told a select group of farmers’ leaders late on Tuesday that the Centre would not repeal the three contentious farm sector laws on a day that saw nationwide road blockades and peaceful protests in support of the demand for a rollback of the legislations. Mr. Shah said the Centre will...
The ground has fallen out from beneath the farmer’s feet -KTS Tulsi and Tanessa Puri
-The Hindu The Farm Acts are farmer-unfriendly and in violation of important constitutional safeguards Amidst the novel coronavirus pandemic, Indian farmers have marched their way to New Delhi. The reason behind the protest is a request to repeal the recently passed Farmers’ (Empowerment and Protection) Agreement of Price Assurance and Farm Services Act, the Farmers’ Produce Trade and Commerce (Promotion and Facilitation) Act and the Essential Commodities (Amendment) Bill. Akin to stock trading All...
More »True fiscal responsibility -Pulapre Balakrishnan
-The Hindu Slashing public expenditure amid a recession is a recipe for serious economic disaster The National Statistical Office (NSO) recently announced estimates of economic activity in the second quarter of the current financial year. As most of the first quarter coincided with the lockdown announced by the Central government, it would only have been expected that output would be depressed as production could not have taken place. And this is what...
More »A mirage sold as a panacea for the unorganised sector -Mohan Mani and Babu Mathew
-The Hindu The labour codes will only better India’s ‘ease of doing business’ ranking instead of improving conditions of employment In an interview with The Hindu in October this year, the Union Labour Minister claimed that the four labour codes would generate employment and secure the basic rights of the workers. He also claimed that the labour codes seek to universalise the right to minimum wage of workers and social security entitlements....
More »140 pleas against Citizenship Amendment Act hang fire in Supreme Court -Krishnadas Rajagopal
-The Hindu Court declined to stay implementation of the law in December 2019. Over 140 petitions challenging the Citizenship Amendment Act (CAA) have been pending for nearly a year in the Supreme Court, leaving petitioners drawn from all walks of life and across the political spectrum “deeply disappointed” over the delay. “I am deeply disappointed and the case should be taken up for hearing at the earliest,” parliamentarian Jairam Ramesh, one of the...
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