In a horrific incident, a young IPS officer of the 2009 batch, Narendra Kumar, was brutally crushed to death under a stone-laden tractor trolley belonging to the illegal mining mafia. The incident happened on Thursday in broad daylight in the presence of eyewitnesses and Kumar's team of policemen. Kumar (30) was posted as SDOP (sub-divisional police officer), Banmur, in the Chambal district of Morena, Madhya Pradesh, early this year. The ghastly...
'For women, toilets more important than mobiles'-Shahnawaz Akhtar
-IANS For a woman, a toilet is more important than a mobile phone, but men don't understand that, feels Anita Narre. She is the 20-year-old tribal whose rebellion not only ensured a toilet in her marital home but ushered in a sanitation revolution in a backward region of Madhya Pradesh. Last year in May, she had left her in-laws house in Ratanpur village of Betul district after barely two days of marriage...
More »The Politics of Rape
-Economic and Political Weekly Mamata Banerjee cynically casts aspersions on a rape victim to further her political agenda. When rape becomes a political power game, every woman, not just a rape survivor, has reason to be afraid. What this suggests is that, for people in the political battlefield, the seriousness of this violent crime and the increasing incidence of rape in our towns and villages are of no concern. This has become...
More »Centre's initiative to provide livelihood for tribals in naxal-affected areas by K Balchand
Foundation to be set up with a corpus fund of Rs. 500 crore The Centre is in the process of setting up a foundation with a corpus fund of Rs. 500 crore to provide a livelihood to tribals in about 900 blocks, spread over 170 districts of nine States, to strengthen its anti-naxalite campaign. The latest proposal, evolved jointly by the Ministry of Rural Development and the Planning Commission, envisages a concerted...
More »Food security, a fundamental responsibility of the state by Shikha Tyagi
No one will deny that the least a democratic government can do for its people in a civilised society is to ensure access to food at affordable prices. Ensuring food security is, therefore, a fundamental responsibility of the state. Public distribution system (PDS) is the instrument through which food grains are made available to targeted beneficiaries. Government's resolve to provide for food security is laudable. At the same time, it does...
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