-The Hindu Unlike the rest of India, Kerala has maintained the same level of daily testing despite a reduction in number of cases From mid-February, a spike in daily new cases was reported from a few States including Maharashtra. For days on end, the Health Ministry kept repeating the message that Kerala too was “witnessing an upsurge of daily new cases”. Even as recently as March 6, the Health Ministry wrongly implicated...
Every time Bengal loses a traditional rice variety, it loses a little bit of its culture -Debal Deb
-Scroll.in Old customs and foods no longer have the same meaning because the rice varieties associated with them are long gone. In Bengali culture, like many other cultures in Asia, “eating rice” is synonymous with “having a meal”. The Sanskrit word “anna” and the old Bengali word “odan” mean both “rice” and “meal”. A standard Bengali expression – “Have you eaten rice?” – is a polite way to inquire, “Have you had...
More »Green environment for elections
-The Hindu PVC flex, plastic boards barred, only recyclable materials permitted THIRUVANANTHAPURAM: Guidelines have been issued for ensuring a ‘green’ environment for the 2021 Assembly elections. Political parties and candidates stand barred from using PVC flex boards and banners. They have been asked to avoid flags and festoons made of plastics and non-biodegradable materials. Recyclable materials such as cotton cloth, paper and polyethylene alone are permitted for the election campaigns. The logo ‘Recyclable, PVC...
More »India score in QS subject ranking: 25 programmes, 12 institutes in top 100
-The Indian Express The four new universities/ institutes in the top 100 subject rankings are: IIT-Guwahati (for petroleum engineering), Jawaharlal Nehru University (anthropology), Anna University (petroleum engineering), and O P Jindal Global University (law). TWENTY-FIVE PROGRAMMES — mostly in engineering — offered by higher education institutions in India rank among the top 100 in the world in their respective subject categories, according to the latest edition of the QS World University Rankings...
More »Nirmala dismisses report on human rights in India
-The Hindu Says think tank has not even got country’s map correct Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman lashed out at the U.S. think tank Freedom House — which has downgraded India’s status from “free” to “partly free” — accusing the body of not even getting the “Indian map” correct. The Information and Broadcasting Ministry on behalf of the government also issued a statement calling the report “misleading, incorrect and misplaced”. Speaking to reporters at...
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