-The Hindu Chennai: In a fresh bid to widen access to low-cost Quality food, Chief Minister Jayalalithaa has ordered opening of 360 more "Amma Unavagams," the popular eateries, across Tamil Nadu. Among them 200 eateries would be set up in the Chennai Corporation limits. With this, the State would soon have 654 such canteens serving Quality food at affordable rates. In expanding this welfare scheme which benefits the poor, daily wage earners,...
How do you feed thousands of people in Rajasthan without irrigation?-Arati Kumar Rao
-Grist Media The people of the Thar desert have their ways. This story unfolds over a year and recounts history through contemporary lives lived gently and with the land. It experiences first-hand the extraordinary old magic of growing lush crops in the desert. The land was the color of burnt caramel. It was flat and it was featureless: there was no tree in sight, no blade of grass, no ditch, no dune,...
More »UNDP India
UNDP offers global perspective and local insight to help empower lives and build resilient nations that can withstand crisis, and that drive and sustain growth that improves the Quality of life for everyone. It call this people-centred approach “human development”. UNDP is committed to help India achieve the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) as well as the national objectives articulated in consecutive Five-Year Plans. It aims to improve the lives of the poorest women and men, the...
More »Pratham
Pratham is the largest non-governmental organization working to provide Quality education to the underprivileged children of India. Pratham was established in 1994 to provide pre-school education to the children in the slums of Mumbai city. Since then, the organization has grown both in scope and geographical coverage. Today, Pratham reach out to millions of children living in both rural and urban areas through a range of interventions. All its programs are...
More »Strengthening India’s rule of law-Devesh Kapur and Milan Vaishnav
-Live Mint Despite its importance, reform of India's legal institutions has been seen as a ‘second order' issue India is a young nation long ruled by old laws-its police, for example, are governed by such colonial-era statutes as the Police Act of 1861, which predates independence by nearly a century. And its expanding economy requires forward-looking regulatory mechanisms to foster markets while curbing crony capitalism. India is also a nation that must...
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