-The Hindu “If the law of the market is ignored, then no government policy, however well intended, is going to work”, Chief Economic Advisor to Government of India Kaushik Basu said at a conference on the Indian health sector here on Friday. He referred specifically to how 44 per cent of the food grain meant for the poor never reaches them through the Public Distribution System and said that this needs...
Nobody’s Property by Lola Nayar
How do you quantify happiness in a diverse nation like ours? Growth levels, value-based structural changes, what can affect it? Life is Elsewhere? Bhutan’s GNH: Based on the Buddhist doctrine of harmony with environment and fellow beings besides material comfort UNDP Human Development Report: Ranks nations on quality of life—adjusted real income, life expectancy, education etc World Values Survey: Started in 1995, it explores impact of social and political changes...
More »An interview with Jayati Ghosh, winner of the ILO Decent Work Research Prize
Decent Work Research Prize laureates Professor Jayati Ghosh and Professor Eve C. Landau addressed the ILO Governing Body of the International Labour Organization (ILO) on 11 November, calling for economic policy reforms based on decent work to meet current challenges in global labour markets. The Indian economist Jayati Ghosh was also among the thousands of people at the annual International Labour Conference in Geneva. World of Work spoke to Ms....
More »92 Rajya Sabha MPs have pecuniary interest: RTI
-The Economic Times Jairam Ramesh may have stirred up a hornet's nest when he, as environment minister, complained of MPs indulging in conflict of interest by lobbying for environmental projects, but a look at the Register of Interest of Rajya Sabha members proves how MPs have managed to find a place in many House panels despite having business interests in the sectors concerned. According to the register of interest, made public...
More »PDS in peril by R Ramakumar
The promotion of the PDS as an Aadhaar application would fundamentally alter its form and character. NO scheme of the Indian government would be transformed more fundamentally by Aadhaar than the public distribution system (PDS). The nature of this transformation appears to be taking the form of a virtual dismantling of the PDS; even if a skeletal fair price shop (FPS, or ration shop) system continues to exist, it is likely...
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